Reference no: EM133422036
I´m writing a thesis paper and the theme is on leadership with the title "The role of African leaders in contributing to the continent's economic develoment".
In my paper, I have a three variable model of ethical leadership being the independent variable(predictor), affcetive commitment being the dependent variable and the third variable whic is the moderator between the two is National culture(cultural dimensions).On the third variable ,the dimensions I have concetrated on are that of power distnace and Individualism-Collectivisim.
I have also formulated these two hypotheses in my literature review ;
H1: Ethical leadership positively influences affective commitment.
H2: Cultural dimensions moderate the relationship between ethical leadership and affective commitment.
I have also created a survey on these instruments;ethical leadershi,affective commitment and cultural dimensions (power distance and individualism -collectivism).
Given all these information, I would like you to help me write a full Methodology chapter as it would appear in a thesis/dessertaion paper for a master's student.