Reference no: EM131042210
You hypothesize that there is a relationship between an individual's level of Self Control as measured by the Grasmick Self Control Scale (Self_Con) and his or her Number of Adult Arrests (ARR). Theory postulates that low self control is associated with higher number of arrests. Use the definitions of the variables contained in the Week One Dataset, reprinted below.
State your null and research hypotheses.
Variables are defined as follows: SELF_CON Grasmick Self-Control Scale Treated as interval-ratio level. A scale measuring self-control developed by Richard Grasmick. Scores may range from 24 to 96, with low scores indicating low self-control. 99 = No data in Record
ARR Number of adult arrests as recorded in court records. An interval-ratio level variable. Since all members of the population have (by definition) been arrested at least once, values will range from 1 to nn 99 = No data
Explain the following results from the SPSS output that can be found in this linked file called "Regression Data":
1. Mean and standard deviation for each variable.
2. The interpretation of the Pearson Correlation
3. R square
4. Unstandardized coefficients : (Constant and Self_Con)
5. Calculate the number of arrests for a person with a Self-Con score of 50.
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