Relationship between a database and a knowledge base

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131253556

1. What is the relationship between a database and a knowledge base?

2. Describe how game theory might be used in a business setting.

3. Describe how augmented reality can be used in a classroom. How could it be used in a work setting?

4. Describe how assistive living systems might benefit the residents of a nursing home.

Reference no: EM131253556

Questions Cloud

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What two categories into which people divide ethnomusicology : According to the YouTube video interview with Dr. Suzel Reily, speaking about her training and work as an Ethnomusicologist, what are the two major categories into which people divide Ethnomusicology?
Relationship between a database and a knowledge base : What is the relationship between a database and a knowledge base? -  Describe how game theory might be used in a business setting.
The use of an automated fruit picking machine : The machine is quite sophisticated and employs a vacuum-gripper combined with a vision system to pluck ripe fruit from a tree. Does it make economic sense to purchase the automated fruit-picking machine?
List and describe the if then rules or cases : Consider an expert system to suggest what clothes you should wear based on the previous night's weather forecast.
Solve communication issues and plan for managing stress : Solve communication issues and plan for managing stress. Analyze and evaluate your overall comprehension of the course relative to a broad-based evaluation of your understanding of the course concepts.
What is the best the manufacturer can do in this instance : Assume that the manufacturer can tailor a take-it-or-leave-it offer for each individual retailer, of any form desired. To maximize her profits, what should the manufacturer do?


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