Relational dbms that supports standard sql queries

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596875

Purpose of the Project

Analyze, specify, design, implement, document and demonstrate an online system. You are required to use the classical methodology for database development.

The system should be implemented using a relational DBMS that supports standard SQL queries. Class administrators will provide you with information about how to access a college- managed MySQL server in order to implement your database and the application.

The professors must approve any other alternative implementations. In no circumstances can you use a tool that automatically generates SQL or automatically maps programming objects into the database. You also cannot use any other software like Access.

Ask professors or TAs if you have doubts in which tools/languages/software are allowed.

Guidelines for populating the database

Please read the entire guidelines before starting to populate your tables.

- There should be at least 25 users. 20 students and 5 admins.

o 5 students do not have major information added yet.

o Another 5 students have not applied to any project.
- Have all majors and departments:


o you don't need to store minors
- There should be at least 20 projects (including ones we provide).

o At least 10 projects have more than 1 category.

o At least 10 projects have more than 1 requirement.
- There should be at least 20 courses (including ones we provide).

o At least 10 courses have more than 1 category
- 9 Categories: "computing for good", "doing good for your neighborhood", "reciprocal teaching and learning", "urban development", "adaptive learning", "technology for social good", "sustainable communities", "crowd-sourced" and "collaborative action"
- 2 Designations: "Sustainable Communities" and "Community"

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131596875

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