Relational and logical operators to evaluate logical

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Reference no: EM13856365

Boolean w6 using Relational and Logical Operators to Evaluate Logical (Boolean) Expression Evaluate the logical (Boolean) expressions in the following exercises and circle the correct answer after you evaluation. For char and String types, use the Unicode collating sequence.


Result (Circle correct answer)

1.      int num1 = 3,  num2 = 2;

(num1  >  num2)

T          F

2.    double hours = 12.8;

(hours  >  40.2)

T          F

3.    int  funny =  7;

(funny  !  =  1)

T          F

4.    char  letter  =  ' A ';

('a' < letter )

T          F

5.    int  count =  1;

count  < = 4;

T          F

6.    double  y =  -2 . 3;

y  > =  0.0;

T          F

Expressions Use the following values: X = false,  y = false,  z = true

Result (Circle all possible answers)

1.    !  (  x | | y)  | |  z

T     F     short - circuit

2.    x  &&  z  &&  y

T     F     short - circuit

3.    !  x   |  |  (y   |  |  !  z)

T     F     short - circuit

4.    x   | |   (z   &&  (y   | |   x)  )

T     F     short - circuit

5.    true  | |  !  z  &&  y

T     F     short - circuit

6.    !  (x  | |  y)  | |  x

T     F     short - circuit

7.    z   &&   x   &&   y

T     F     short - circuit

8.    !   x   | |   (y   | |   !   z)

T     F     short - circuit

9.    x   | |   (y   &&   (x   | |   z)  )

T     F     short - circuit

10.    false   | |   !   x   &&   y

T     F     short - circuit


Expression Use the  following values:

X = false,  y = false,  z = true

T     F    

(Circle all possible answers)

Result (Circle all possible answers)

1.    String  name1 = "Aaron" ;

String  name2 = "aaron" ;

name1. compareTo(name2)= = 0

T           F 

2.    String name1 = "Aaron" ;

String name2 = "Aardvark" ;

namel. compareTo(name2) > 0

T          F

3.    Boolean flag = true;

int a = 2,  b = 5,  c = 10;

(a  *  b  <  =  c  &&  !  flag)

T          F

4.    String  name1  =  "Aaron" ;

String  word  =  "A" ;

name1 .compareTo(word)  <  0

T          F

5.    int  x = 2;

double   y   =   1 . 1;

(x  -  y)  = =  0 . 9

T          F

Reference no: EM13856365

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