Relate the symbol rate to the null-to-null bandwidth

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132373798

Lab: Amplitude Shift Keying from the Communication Systems

Lab Based Learning with NI USRP and LabVIEW Communications by Bruce A. Black. See Course Materials and Lab Book.

Submit a lab report showing the completing of Lab include pictures where appropriate. This assignment supports the course objectives CO-1 and C0-2.

Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) is the simplest form of digital modulation. We will use it to provide an introduction to digital communications, and as a vehicle to introduce some of the features that are common to digital communication systems, such as symbol mapping, pulse shaping, matched filtering, threshold detection, and pulse synchronization.

In this lab project, design of the transmitter and design of the receiver each present challenges and opportunities for investigation. The lab project is consequently divided into several parts. The transmitter part investigates creation of the ASK signal and the effect of transmitted pulse shape on the bandwidth of the transmitted signal. The receiver part investigates demodulation, matched filtering, and signal detection. There is a third part investigating alignment of the receiver and transmitter bit streams.


1. In step 2 you are given 1/T = 10,000 symbols/s and 1/Tx 200 x 103 Sa/s. Find the corresponding value for the number of samples per symbol L.

2. Relate the symbol rate to the null-to-null bandwidth of the ASK signal for (a) rectangular and (b) root-raised-cosine pulses.

3. Compare the rates of spectral roll-off of the transmitted signal for rectangular and root raised-Cosine pulses.

Lab Book: Introduction to Communication System - Lab-Based Learning with NI USRP and Lab VIEW Communications by Bruce A. Black.

Reference no: EM132373798

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