Rejection of the biological view of race

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Reference no: EM133447960

1. Appiah and Taylor both focus on the question of whether races exist. They agree that there is no biological essence, but disagree about whether race exists as a social entity (Appiah says it does not, Taylor says it does). In your initial post, respond to ONE of the following:

Whose view of race is more plausible, Taylor's constructivism or Appiah's eliminativism? (You should define both)
How do science, philosophy, and ethics interact in this question about race?

2. RAOR - Appiah and Taylor agree that the biological conception of race is mistaken. Appiah offers arguments against it, both at the very beginning of the article and later on p. 30. Reread both and write commentary on why both reject the biological view of race (which you should define as well). Develop what you take to be the best objection to this rejection of the biological view of race, and then outline how (either) Taylor OR Appiah would respond.

Reference no: EM133447960

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