Regulatory competition

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM1375119

Suppose you are the owner manger of an innovative computer software firm, and your latest item is so revolutionary and superb it has resulted in your firm controlling 98 percent of the industry in terms of total sales.

a. Should your company be broken up into smaller companies, and/or severely regulated by the government to foster greater competition? Why or why not?
b. Who would gain and who would lose from such government intervention? Explain.


Reference no: EM1375119

Questions Cloud

Terms of as-ad effects on the us economy : I think the ECB made a bad decision past week in keeping its interest value unchanged. European interest value policy is an issue that Americans need to take more seriously.
Question about economies of scale : Suppose you are the owner of a small bank in a state that is planning allowing interstate banking. You do not like this because it will be possible for large money center banks in Washington,
Explain the different attitudes european workers : In the twenty year period 1980-2000 virtually no private jobs were developed in the nations of the European Union as compared to 33 million new private sector jobs in the United States.
Provide references : I would have selected JEL industries as it is located in a nation which is part of the European Union and using Euro as its currency.
Regulatory competition : Suppose you are the owner manger of an innovative computer software firm, and your latest item is so revolutionary and superb it has resulted in your firm controlling 98 percent of the industry in terms of total sales.
Examine the gatt-wto regulations : "Time" magazine, Canadian edition, has recently published an article on U.S. agricultural subsidies titled "Why our Farm Policy is Failing", November 2nd, 2007.
How to calculate consumer price index : Can anyone discover how the Consumer Price Index (CPI), primary measure of inflation used through the government, is computed?
Significant movement of workers from greece : In 2006 the hourly cost to workers per German industrial employee was $33. The hourly expense to employers per United States industrial employee was $23.65 while the average cost per Taiwanese industrial worker was $6.38.
European union agriculture subsidies : The European Union has heavily sheltered its farm sector through import duties; in addition, Union subsidizes its exports of agricultural items. If cropland is regarded as a factor of production.


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