Reference no: EM133448650
Student enrollment is up at the local community college. Lacey Grey, the admissions and enrollment coordinator is excited about this, but she is also worried that the current enrollment process may not work quite as well with the increased numbers.
"We conduct registration and enrollment as separate activities. Students are required to register in the department for their major, indicating the number of courses they intend to enroll in for the semester.
Students are then required to enroll for each course with the department(s) of the course and provide information about their major program.
At the end of the registration period, my office coordinates with the departments to consolidate the schedules for student registration and course enrollment."
1. Draw a context level Data Flow Diagram (DFD) that describes the registration and enrollment practice at the community college.
2. Draw the Diagram 0 (Level 1) DFD for the process, detailing key entities, processes, flows and data stores that describe the registration and enrollment system.