Reference no: EM131752012
1. According to the text, the two main issues for management to consider in designing an international company's structure include which of the following?
A. Departmentalizing to most effectively take advantage of efficiencies gained from specialization of capital.
B. Integrating functions to achieve lowest possible costs.
C. Ensuring that policies and procedures can enable continued product innovation.
D. Coordinating departments' activities to meet the firm's overall objectives.
E. Ensuring that power is dispersed so that dependency on individual units is minimized.
2. Regarding the structure of international companies
A. managers have to consider the nature of their company's international operating environment, both currently and how it is expected to change in the future.
B. managers have to consider the nationalities of their competitors and how that determines structure.
C. gains from increased specialization of labor may at times be magnified by the reduced costs of coordination.
D. managers have to identify the best structure and maintain it over time.
E. managers must modify their structures if they change strategy.