Regarding management and leadership

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM13832402

1.Based on a _______ statement, a company sets long-term _______ mutually agreed on by workers and management and, from these, sets specific, short-term _______.

A. vision; goals; objectives
B. mission; goals; objectives
C. vision; objectives; goals
D. mission; objectives; goals

2. Regarding management and leadership, which statement is most accurate?

A. Leaders aren't managers, and managers aren't leaders.
B. Most effective managers aren't good leaders.
C. Leaders can be good managers, and good managers can be leaders.
D. Leadership and management are entirely unrelated.

3.Within an organization, the first step in human resource planning is

A. preparing job specifications.
B. conducting job analyses.
C. preparing an employee inventory.
D. writing out job descriptions.

4. When hired by Imp, Inc., Jake immediately began his job as an inventory clerk. He was learning by doing in an approach to employee training called

A. vestibule training.
B. on-the-job training.
C. employee orientation.
D. apprenticing

5.If you carry out a SWOT analysis, you know that the "O" stands for

A. outlines.
B. opportunities.
C. outliers.
D. oddities.

6. In a labor-management dispute, _______ requires representatives of both parties to argue their case before an unbiased third party whose judgment on the dispute is final and binding on both parties.

A. mediation
B. an injunction
C. arbitration
D. amelioration

7.The researchers conducting the Hawthorne plant studies found that

A. productivity in the test room went up and down, depending on lighting and work conditions.
B. after being observed for a while, productivity in the test room declined.
C. workers in the test room voiced complaints about being observed.
D. the workers in the test room saw themselves as a social group.

8. In a line-and-staff pattern of organization, which position is most likely to serve a staff function?

A. Shift supervisor
B. Director of marketing research
C. Plant manager
D. Chief financial officer

9. According to Herzberg's research related to his two-factor theory, the highest-ranked motivating factor turned out to be

A. job status.
B. peer and group relationships.
C. pay.
D. sense of achievement.

10. On an organizational chart, span of control refers to the

A. skills a manager must have to supervise any number of employees.
B. number of departments in a company.
C. number of employees responsible for particular kinds of jobs.
D. number of subordinates a manager supervises.

11.Following Herzberg's findings, managers strove to make jobs more interesting. One approach to this end, called job _______, involves combining several job tasks into a single, more challenging task.

A. rotation
B. enlargement
C. autonomy
D. enrichment

12. While _______ leaders plan activities and timelines and keep the group on task, _______ leaders help diffuse conflicts and encourage cooperative effort.

A. formal; task
B. task; social
C. informal; task
D. social; task

13. According to _______ theory, employees compare the inputs and outputs of other employees doing similar jobs. Unfavorable comparisons may lead to slacking off on their work or asking a supervisor for either an explanation or a raise.

A. perceived fairness
C. reinforcement
D. equity

14. Which of the following illustrates intrinsic reward?

A. Rodrigo is saving overtime pay for a trip to Miami.
B. Jolie's work is praised by her supervisor.
C. Natalia finds her work personally satisfying.
D. Clark gets a promotion.

15. Among pay systems, the term variable pay usually applies to people who are paid

A. an hourly wage.
B. through bonus plans.
C. for each product they produce.
D. based on a percentage of their sales.

16. In a three-year study of bricklaying, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed a principle of motion _______ by which every job could be broken down into elementary motions called therbligs.

A. energy
B. effectiveness
C. economy
D. efficiency

17. The American Federation of Labor was formed under the leadership of

A. John L. Lewis.
B. Samuel Gompers.
C. George Meany.
D. Uriah Stephens.

18. Under a flextime plan, ________ time is a period of the workday during which employees are expected to be present and busy in the workplace.

A. core
B. fixed
C. flex
D. base

19. The idea that people working at similar jobs requiring the same levels of education, skills, or training should receive equal pay is called _______ worth.

A. equivalent
B. comparable
C. equitable
D. consistent

20. Which of the following statements about Maslow's needs hierarchy is correct?

A. Safety needs are more basic than physiological needs.
B. Self-actualization is a growth need.
C. Esteem needs must be satisfied before one strives to fulfill social needs.
D. Social needs are considered more important globally than security needs.

Reference no: EM13832402

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