Reflective research paper on benefits of higher education

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Reference no: EM131366270 , Length: 4


The Benefits of Higher Education and Academic Integrity

Assignment Overview: Write a 4-page reflective research paper on the benefits of higher education and the role of academic integrity in contributing to those benefits. Reflect on your personal experience as a college student and the values you hold in terms of your education.

Explain your reasons for returning to school, and offer a personal reflection on the value formal education has added to your life. Discuss the role of academic integrity in scholarship, why university students should uphold university standards and values, and how you see yourself as part of this tradition.

Your paper should include the following topics:
• a discussion of the benefits of higher education;
• a reflection on academic integrity and why students should uphold university standards;
• a reflection on your personal experiences as a college student, including your reasons for returning to school and the value it has brought to your life;
• how you see yourself as responsible for maintaining academic integrity and why it's important.

Your paper should include the following components:
• Research from reliable and/or scholarly sources (preferably found at the Ashford Library) to discuss the benefits of higher education;
• APA formatting, following the APA Checklist at the Ashford Writing Center;
• In-text citations and corresponding References list.

Reference no: EM131366270

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