Reference no: EM133034950
Foundation of information systems
Reflective report
Task Summary
This assessment task requires you to reflect on your experiences in this trimester by following a four-step process to gain insights into the work you have done and how it relates to your own career and life more broadly.
Task Instructions
1. During Module1-5,you were ask to produce a weekly journal to record your learnings each week. Based on these weekly journals, please write a 1500 word reflective report about your experience focussing on how this will support developing and planning your futurecareer.
2. You are required to follow the four steps of Kolb's learning cycle when writing the reflective report.
You will keep a learning journal throughout the trimester. Each week as you complete the learning activities you record your experience in spreadsheet or word document.
Learning Activity #1 (150 words)
Module 1.1 - Learning Activity: Discussion Forum Post - Pew Research Center: Digital Knowledge Quiz and Respondent Comparison
Learning Activity #2 (150 words)
You will probably have heard people using the term ‘value chain' before. How has studying Porter's value chain given you new insights into the concept? Discuss in no more than 200 words.
Learning Activity #3 (150 words)
Let's have a look at an existing ERP product. We have chosen SAP simply because it is one of the longest standing ERP solutions in the market. In this case we are performing a quick ‘eyeball' review (just looking at information on the web) at their SAP Business One suite via their website
The website outlines the product capability and features in this product suite intended for small to medium businesses. Looking at the capability, please answer the following questions and give reasons:
1. Based on what you have learned in this module, do you think that this solution is a complete ERP solution? Why do you say this?
2. Looking at the features and capabilities, do you believe that this is an ERP I or ERP II solutions? Why do you say this?
Learning Activity #4 (150 words)
In reviewing the essential resource about Business- IT alignment in Rainer & Prince (2019. p.60) looking at the three major reasons for failure in alignment - which of these reasons do you think is the easiest to address and how would you make a change? Explain your thoughts in no more than 150 words.
Learning Activity #5 (150 words)
Looking back over your group project can you name one specific tool or technique that you would use again in group work? You can use an example that was provided for you, like the parts of the Team Contract, Scrums or even an innovative and fresh way of working that your team decided on.
Describe each of these in no more than 200 words.
Table of Contents
0.Executive Summary
1.Introduction (link to Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle).
2.Reflective Observation
3.Abstract Conceptualisation
4.Active Experimentation
6. References
7. Appendix - Learning Journal
Attachment:- Directions.rar
Financing terms in the advertisement
: 1. A broker lists several newly constructed affordable homes of a builder client. The broker wishes to advertise these homes targeting first time buyers.
Prepare the journal entry to establish the fund on January
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Governance important in doing international business
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Analyze power and powerlessness in organizations
: Current events within 12 months define and analyze power and powerlessness in organizations. Locate an article or video that pertains to the topic selected.
Reflective report about your experience
: Reflective report - reflect on your experiences in this trimester by following a four-step process to gain insights into the work you have done
Opportunity from a real-life experience
: Reflect on a specific workplace leadership issue, situation, or opportunity from a real-life experience of one of the group members that has come up during the
How must Friendly Corp report the contribution
: How must Friendly Corp. report the contribution in its financial statements at the end of each reporting period and as of the inception of the agreement
Online merchandiser of a diverse line of casual sportswear
: 1. You are the marketing manager for an online merchandiser of a diverse line of casual sportswear, athletic clothing, and outerwear for both men and women.
Calculate the forecasted cash flow for week six
: Given the following information on previous weeks' cash flows, calculate the forecasted cash flow for Week 6, based on a 3 week moving average of prior weeks