Reflective practice and personal development

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Reference no: EM131725287

Learning Outcomes
- Achieve a greater level of independence in the process of learning;
- Show evidence of reflective practice and personal development
- Develop library and basic research skills including, note taking, online and computer searches, required to complete presentations, reports, essays etc.


A REPORT format that complies with the following requirements:
- 1800 words in length;
- Word count must be included, in brackets, at the end of the report
- Writing in the first person is acceptable in this piece of reflective wilting
- Use a REPORT format

Please note that marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, grammar or punctuation and for poor presentation of your work

Your assignment should be presented in formal English, academic style and appropriate format i.e. 1.5 or double line spacing with the same 12 point font used throughout. Your text should be accurately proof-read and free from errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. A cover page should be included with the assignment title, your name, student number, the name of your programme and the date of submission.

You must write a reflective summary of your personal experiences in Academic Skills in Practice Module, the skills you developed or will further develop and the impact of these on your future career goals.

You must read these instructions carefully before attempting this assignment. All of the instructions below are reflected in the marking criteria.

1. Your assignment should contain FIVE sections:

a. Introduction
Define and discuss the concept of a skill, a general overview of yourself; your significant personal achievements and skills. Your introduction should consider a scenario regarding your self-assessment prior to entering the Academic Skills in Practice module.

b. The ASP experience
Discuss in detail the experience you had in class in the development of your academic and career related skills. Your course experience should focus on the following important points:
The class activities that developed your skills
The academic skills that you developed in class(refer to at least 3)
The career-related skills that you developed in class (refer to at least 3)

C. Personal insights and importance of learning various skills
This part should focus on your personal assessment. Give a thorough analysis of your skills development in the class.
The following should be part of discussion:
The academic skills that you think need further development
- The career-related skills that you think need further development
- The importance of developing your academic and career-related skills analysis of your discussion

d. Application of learned skills
This part should focus on the opportunities ahead of you and how you plan to achieve your goals. This should set the scene of what you want your future look like. The following should be part of your discussion:
- The opportunities that you have at present (possible work or enrolment in your Masters after your Bachelor's)
- The role of academic skills in making you independent learner
- The role of career specific skills that will help you in achieving your goals and being successful at your work place.

e. Conclusion

Summarise the above discussion and provide a conclusion for your report.

2. You must use at least five academic sources. Include proper in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your assignment. Follow the Harvard referencing style.

Verified Expert

The present assignment is based on reflective assessment portfolio. The learning across the life and the experience gained in order to improve the skills are thus discussed in this work. The content of the solution is mainly based on the given instruction and rubrics. The total word count of the solution is more than 1800 and that the references used are given in Harvard style. The solution is prepared in Microsoft office file and is completely free from plagiarism.

Reference no: EM131725287

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4/4/2018 5:44:26 AM

As this assignment is about personal and individual academic skills in practice and not something generic, I need valid supporting documents to complete the report. Supporting documents such as significant personal abilities and skills, details of class activities that developed abilities, career-related aspirations etc. I would suggest go through the assignment once and provide me the needed information.


1/2/2018 4:35:29 AM

Please follow the below attached file and provide the solution of this assignment accordingly 26154247_1New Microsoft mmmm.docx Let me know if expert has any query and please provide the solution of this assignment in 1.5 spacing. Thanks a lot.


11/16/2017 12:54:59 AM

the class. The following should be part of your discussion: -The academic skills that you think need further development -The career-related skills that you think need further development -The importance of developing your academic and career-related skills(15 Marksl This part should focus on the opportunities ahead of Is you and how you plan to achieve your goals. The following should be part of your discussion: -The opportunities that you have at present (possible work or enrolment in your Masters after your Bachelor's) -The role of academic skills in making you independent learner -The role of career specific skills that will help you in achieving your goals and being successful at your work place.(15 Marks) Summary of the above discussion.(10 Marks) (Spelling, Grammar & Vocabulary Sentence Construction and Coherence)(10 Marks)


11/16/2017 12:54:48 AM

Distribution of Marks Demonstrate the ability to produce a professional- looking report appropriately structured and presented, including contents page, numbered sub-headings, etc.(10 Marks) Define and discuss the concept of a skill, a general 10 overview of yourself: your significant personal achievements and skills.(10 Marks) Your course experience should focus on the following 20 important points: -The class activities that developed your skills -The academic skills that you developed in class (refer to at least 3) -The career-related skills that you developed in class (refer to at least 3X20 Marks) This part should focus on your personal assessment. 15 Give a thorough analysis of your skills development in

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