Reflective journal - sustainability

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Reference no: EM132356761

Assessment -Reflective Journal - Sustainability

Table of contents

• Introduction
• What is reflective practice?
• Examples of reflective practice
• Reflecting in action
• Reflecting on action
• Reflective journalling
• Reflective tools
• Where to from here?

An increasing number of courses require students to write reflectively. Reflective writing may be an occasional requirement or it may be a core feature of most or all assignments.

There are many different models of reflection and it is vital that you follow any guidelines offered on your course.

The aim of this handout is to model some basic ideas about reflective writing. We are not suggesting that this is the only way to approach it!

What is reflective writing?

Reflective writing is evidence of reflective thinking. In an academic context, reflective thinking usually involves:

1 Looking back at something (often an event, i.e. something that happened, but it could also be an idea or object).

2 Analysing the event or idea (thinking In depth and from different perspectives, and trying to explain, often with reference to a model or theory from your subject).

3 Thinking carefully about what the event or idea means for you and your ongoing progress as a learner and/or practising professional.

Reflective writing is thus more personal than other kinds of academic writing. We all think reflectively in everyday life, of course, but perhaps not to the same depth as that expected in good reflective writing at university level.

A possible structure for reflective writing

Reflective Thinking - especially if done in discussion with others - can be very 'free' and unstructured and still be very useful. Even reflective writing can be unstructured, for example when it is done In a personal diary. In assignments that require reflective writing, however, tutors normally expect to see carefully-structured writing.

The example of basic reflective writing on the previous page can be broken down into three parts: description, Interpretation and outcome.

1 Description (keep this bit short!)
What happened? Specific tasks were shared out amongst members of my team.
What is being examined? Initially, however, the tasks were not seen as equally difficult by
all team members.

2 Interpretation
What is most important / interesting / useful / relevant about the object. event or idea?
How can it be explained e.g. with theory?
How Is it similar to and different from others?

3 Outcome

What have I learned from this? What does this mean for my future? Cooperation between group members was at risk because of this perception of unfairness. Social interdependence theory recognises a type of group interaction called 'positive interdependence', meaning cooperation (Johnson & Johnson, 1993, cited by Maughan & Webb, 2(X1), and many studies have demonstrated that "cooperative learning experiences encourage higher achievement" (Maughan & Webb, 2001).

Ultimately, our group achieved a successful outcome, but to improve our achievement, we perhaps needed a chairperson to help encourage cooperation when tasks were being shared out. In future group work (on the course and at work), I would probably suggest this.

This is just one way of structuring reflective writing. There are others and you may be required to follow a particular model. Whichever approach to reflection you use, however, try to bear in mind the following four key points (all of which were made by course tutors who set and mark reflective work):

• Reflection is an exploration and an explanation of events - not just a description of them.

• Genuinely reflective writing often involves 'revealing' anxieties, errors and weaknesses, as well as strengths and successes. This Is fine (in fact it's often essential!), as long as you show some understanding of possible causes, and explain how you plan to improve.

• It Is normally necessary to select just the most significant parts of the event or idea on which you're reflecting. (The next page has some suggestions on how to do this in your writing.) If you try to 'tell the whole story' you're likely to use up your words on description rather than interpretation.

• It is often useful to 'reflect forward' to the future as well as 'reflecting back' on the past. Vocabulary aid

The following are just a few suggestions for words and phrases that might be useful in reflective writing. Using any of these words and phrases will not in itself make you a good reflective writer, of course! The vocabulary aid is structured according to the three-part analysis that is modelled on the previous page of this handout.

Description (the shod bit!)

We are not suggesting specific vocabulary for any descriptive elements of your reflective writing, because the range of possible events, ideas or objects on which you might be required to reflect is so great.

Do remember, though, that if describing an idea, for example a theory or model, it is usually best to use the present tense e.g. 'Social interdependence theory recognises...' (not 'recognised'). Events, of course, are nearly always described using the past tense.

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Reflective essay on sustainability on economics, business and environment. What is the current status, what changes might be needed to facilitate better outreach of the objectives? Finally a comprehensive reflection on the end results is all that included in the present report. References are provided

Reference no: EM132356761

Questions Cloud

Prepare competitive analysis and differentiation strategy : Prepare a competitive analysis, differentiation strategy, and risk assessment for this venture.
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Explain the industrial organizational perspective : In the context of strategy, please explain the industrial organizational perspective in terms of formulation, implementation and evaluation.
How the credit crisis adversely affected many other people : Contagion Effects of Credit Crisis: Explain how the credit crisis adversely affected many other people beyond homeowners and mortgage companies.
Reflective journal - sustainability : Thinking carefully about what the event or idea means for you and your ongoing progress as a learner and/or practising professional.
Managerial impacts of aggregate planning decisions : Compare and contrast the operational and managerial impacts of the aggregate planning decisions in terms of customer satisfaction.
How much output does the firm produce at each plant : NAPA Corporation's marginal cost is expressed by MC = 4 + 3Q, where MC is marginal cost and Q is the number of products produced. The price of a unit of its.
Describe their essential inventory characteristics : Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.
Discuss the existing economic systems of the united states : Critically and briefly discuss the existing economic systems of the United States and its distinctive features from the economic systems of the United kingdom.


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Other Subject Questions & Answers

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Research two job announcements in the correctional field from two different job banks or sources that align with your most desired.

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Determine at least four (4) different learning assets (e.g., lecture, video, discussion, test / quiz, etc.) that can be integrated in the LMS.

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Describe some basic characteristics of consciousness. How do psychologists measure the states of consciousness?

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For John's ordering policy to be correct, what would the carrying cost as a percentage of the unit cost have to be? If the carrying cost were 10% of the cost, what would the optimal order quantity be?

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Please respond to EACH of the following discussion topics and submit them to the discussion forum as a single post. Your initial post should be 75-150 words.

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Post a brief explanation of one challenge you may encounter if you attempted to integrate the theory you selected.

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Write a 3-4 pg. response for the following reading, "Extreme Makeover." In the response briefly summarize the article, identifying/describing the thesis.

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Your first step in completing it is selecting one of the topics below. Prader-Willi Syndrome, Narcolepsy and Korsakoff's Syndrome.

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