Reflections About Social-Emotional Learning

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Reference no: EM132887852

1. Discuss Social-Emotional Learning as you understand it. Define the terms and discuss the importance of social-emotional learning from the teacher's perspective.

2. Discuss your views on social-emotional learning and provide examples. What do you find important about how SEL relates to interactions children have with peers and adults both within and outside of the classroom? In essence, what are teachers concerned with SEL?

3. Discuss your views on social-emotional learning and provide examples as it pertains to classroom management. What do you find important when considering the whole child as you experience various behaviors as a teacher? How can you support SEL for students who struggle with these skills?

4. Discuss your overall reflection of social-emotional learning. Consider how the readings/information have made you think about classroom rules, design (layout), teaching strategies, and other classroom details. Overall, how does your understanding of and your ideas about social-emotional learning determine your ideas about teaching? How will these considerations impact your students' experiences in your classroom?

5. Conclusion. Wrap up your discussion of social-emotional learning.

Reference no: EM132887852

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