Reflection report

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Reference no: EM13747932 , Length: word count:2000

Reflections on the individual or group experience during the group assessment.

The individual reflection report is designed to allow students to evaluate their group'sor self performance, and their individual contributions the group's performance based on hindsight against theoretical principles. It is designed to encourage students to take ownership of their learning, their performance and their outcomes. Reflection is an important consideration when analyzing success or failure or improvement and this is the key to the assessment task. A SWOT analysis may be of benefit.

Students need to write a reflection report discussing and analysing the group work process undertaken during the simulation project or if they worked alone the benefits of working in a group in future. Students should refer to team work theory, and explain how well or poorly it can or did operate in their own specific performance. Students should conclude with at least three actions points that can improve their future work in a group performance, now that you have the benefit of experience and hindsight.

The report is to be reflective and evaluative (use referenced theory), and it is important that you offer critical insight. Avoid offering descriptive accounts as to "who had which role" and "what happened, when this or that went right or wrong". The review should focus on what you learnt as a consequence of the role(s) you fulfilled, leadership you offered or experienced, exemplary practices, the use of new found skills, or "moments of truth" (e.g., finding out how to give and receive feedback - the hard way).

Reference no: EM13747932

Questions Cloud

Describe the health care organizations service strategy : Describe the health care organization's service strategy. Include strategies to create a healing environment within your organization that affects patients, visitors, and employees
What is the value of a bond : What is the value of a bond that has par value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 17.24 percent (paid annually) and that matures in 8 years? Assume a required rate of return on this bond is 13.53 percent.
Activities for a project based on the scenario : Define activities for a project based on the scenario you choose. You must include the following:
What are the nearest relatives of your chosen species : Select one species of organism that is interesting to you (try to pick something different from your classmates' choices---you only have about two million to choose from). What are the nearest relatives of your chosen species
Reflection report : Reflection is an important consideration when analyzing success or failure or improvement and this is the key to the assessment task. A SWOT analysis may be of benefit - analyzing success or failure or improvement.
Project net investment outlay : What is the project's net investment outlay at Year 0? What are the project's operating cash flows in Years 1, 2, and 3?
What was justinians most lasting accomplishment : What was Justinian's most lasting accomplishment. The pope who gave his blessing and authorized the First Crusade was.
Explain why some genes might have faster rates : Explain why some genes might have faster rates of evolution than other genes as populations adapt to their environments, and give an example with your explanation
Define educational and social systems : What do you know about these cultures-specifically their economic, political, educational, and social systems-that could help you in getting them together


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