Reference no: EM131245231 , Length: word count:1500
Assignment - Reflective Journal Extracts Assignment
Written reflections on two of your experiences in this subject are required. The available topics for your two reflections are listed below. Each reflection is to contain your personal thoughts written under the following headings:
What happened?
What did it mean to me?
What value is it to me?
How might it help me in the future?
Reflections Required - you may select 2 from the following 3 topics:
Reflection Topic 1 - Your reflection on Assoc. Prof. Karl Reed's lecture titled Some Issues for Ethics, Professionalism and Technology - An IT Perspective
Reflection Topic 2 - Your reflection on Team Building Activities such as the Tower Building Activity from Practice Class
Reflection Topic 3 - Your reflection on Cultural Awareness as discussed in Practice Class on Intercultural Communication
Further Reading - To help you prepare, lms contains considerable material (pdf's as well as reference to videos (YouTube)) that will provide you with some very useful advice and explanations. Two examples are given below that you can download and refer to.