Reflection on cyber security

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Reference no: EM132425507 , Length: word count:3000

MIS500 - Foundations of Information Systems - Laureate International Universities

Reflective Portfolio:

Learning Outcomes - This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: Develop own professional practice and ethical standards around business problems and implementation of solutions.

Context: The assessment suite in this subject is built on top of skills you are building in your learning activities. Although the learning activities do not carry any assessable weight by themselves, completing them and seeking input from your peers and the learning facilitator is essential for you to achieving a positive result in the subject. Before beginning this assessment, be sure that you have completed the learning activities in all of the modules.

Instructions: As you begin this subject, start and keep a learning journal that you add to during the process of learning about the foundations of information systems. A suggested format for the learning journal is as follows:


Learning Activity











For each day in your learning journey, write the date and then the learning activity you engaged in. Detail what impact the learning had on you and then include any evidence you might like to keep later. This journal should be appended to this assessment when you submit it.

To do this assessment well, you will need to engage in reflective analysis. Reflection is what happens when you are quiet and calm and have appropriate time to study and is how you integrate the materials in this subject with what you already know. Sometimes the materials may challenge what you already know, and at other times it may create new knowledge, opinions or ways you will integrate into your professional practice. Reflection is not a cursory comment about a learning activity but instead is an authentic assessment as it involves you being vulnerable, allowing your personal beliefs and the way you perceive the world around you to be challenged and, if necessary, changed by what you learn. An important element of reflection is your incorporation of your belief system, your morals and ethics as well as how you view the impact of information systems on people.

Toward the end of the trimester, take your learning journal and then build a narrative that summarises the journey and learnings you undertook while studying this subject. You should refer to specific journal entries and/or extracts from learning activities to demonstrate your learning. You should refer to how you can apply the learnings in your future career or the organisation you currently work for. Should you wish to you can focus your self reflection on one aspect of the subject from the following topics:

- Business Intelligence and Big data

- Cybersecurity

- Agile Methods and system development

- CRM technologies

- SCM Technologies

There is no required format for the assessment. Students should use initiative and be sure to conform to the APA referencing style, making use of external sources as appropriate. Be sure to bookend your assignment with an introduction and conclusion. You may also like to append your learning activities or other artefacts that demonstrate the attainment of your learning or the ways in which the learning materials have affected you personally.

Reference no: EM132425507

Questions Cloud

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12/29/2019 11:01:55 PM

About future This Learning activity helped me understand this.. DO NOT EXPLAIN LEARNING ACTIVITIES Talk about what you learned using activity Start your discussion then support using activity Describing activities is not required. Be narrative- Focus on HD (expectionals). prepare table for activities. Don’t start with activities. In evidence table mention - videos, links etc This is important


12/29/2019 11:01:35 PM

Don’t Explain modules/activities but focus on learnings I need this format. Reflective journal then using activities/module/class learning to support it.. Focus on what you were before and now? What were your expectations before and after taking courses how you changed Mention where were tou before you started subject. Where are you now?


12/29/2019 11:01:12 PM

Regardless of the option you choose you have to do a self reflection of the activities that go along with that topic. Please make sure to explain how the knowledge of the topic and activities that follows has impacted you to be more competent person in that domain. how that selected topic will impact me or helpful for me in future sending you modules through which you can take activities With all modules which include activities


12/29/2019 11:00:55 PM

I want best marks in this assignment because of this i can reach to overall pass marks so could you please let me know what kind of rubric level you will form it in. there module are for the assignment 1 and there is no format required for it as it is written in the assignment please go through with the whole assignment instructions you will get to know and please sir just make sure that the assignment should have the level of either distinction or high distinction because i really need the high marks in that assignment so i can reach to the pass marks

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