Reference no: EM131920414
This is course reflection
Write what was our opinion about the subject Entrepreneurship
Assignment: Reflection Journal
Each individual in the class is required to maintain a reflection journal throughout the course, to be turned in at the conclusion of the final module (module 8). The journal encompasses your scholarly reflection and learning for the entire course. You should use the journal to capture your thoughts, learning, reflections on the major course concepts as well as connections to other things you learn in your other courses, at work, and beyond.
Journals are a cornmon tools in the world of creativity, design and innovation. Entrepreneurs use journals to document new potential opportunities; inventors use journals to document when they came up with an original idea (useful in the patenting process); engineers use journals to work out complex technical details; and designers use journals to generate lots of ideas (as ideas feed off of one another); and successful project managers use journals as a management tool to generate "lessons learned" and "best practices" to help run future product development projects more effectively. You can tailor your journal to your own working style and capture what you like_ Don't be afraid to include your individual thinking (both imagery and words) pertaining to your learning from the class. You may include pictures, models, stories, create mindmaps, or choose any other approach that works for you to capture your ideas, thoughts, and reflections.
This reflection journal is your opportunity to reflect deeply on the course materials. Please submit a 1000-1250 word journal entry on what most struck you in this course. This is not a summary of the readings. Journaling about what you have learned will provide an opportunity for you to critically and personally engage the material, discover what resonates with you and construct what it means to you, using the classroom materials as a foundation. This may mean you concentrate on concepts that cut across the readings or may mean you focus on the one piece or idea that you found most compelling. You should pay particular attention to connecting theory with practice. Strong responses will grapple with issues on both an intellectual and practical level.
Course - Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Attachment:- Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.rar