Reflection about your emotional intelligence

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Reference no: EM133805052 , Length: word count:2500

Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

Learning Outcome 1: Have a sense of self-awareness within the frameworks of growth mindset theory and inter- and intrapersonal intelligences

Learning Outcome 2: Understand how to self assess and self manage in the development of your emotional intelligence.

Learning Outcome 3: Have a conceptual and critical understanding of theories of emotional intelligence and their significance in the workplace

Learning Outcome 4: Express and justify an individual perspective on the implications of emotional intelligence in business scenarios

Learning Outcome 5: Develop a personal proactive strategy for improvement of EQ


Assessment Task

You are required to write a 2500 word report that demonstrates your awareness of the components, behaviours and strategies of the emotionally intelligent professional and their relevance to an organisational context and your personal growth. Real experts, zero AI-Get authentic assignment help!

Task specific guidance:

Your reflective report should focus on the components of emotional intelligence that have been explored within the module and critically discuss their relevance to a business context and to your professional development.

These components are:
Knowing and managing emotions
Self-motivation / motivation of others
Influencing others

Part 1: The relevance of emotional intelligence to a specific organisational context (recommended word count: 1000)

You should begin by identifying a specific business context. This means identifying a business sector and a particular role within that business sector. You should then complete the following tasks:

Critically discuss the importance and benefits of emotional intelligence in the specific business context you have identified. You should focus on one component of emotional intelligence and ensure that your discussion is supported by independent research about your business context.
Recommend how people working in this business context could demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviours and strategies (for the component you have identified). You must ensure that these behaviours and strategies are suited to the business context you have identified. It is important that you refer to relevant theories, models and research and explain how they inform the behaviours and strategies that you have identified.

Part 2: A reflection about your emotional intelligence (recommended word count: 1500)

You should begin by choosing one component of emotional intelligence that we have discussed on this module. This should be different to the component you discussed in part 1.

Introduce the component you have chosen. You may want to provide a definition or explain different perspectives or interpretations of this aspect of emotional intelligence.
Critically discuss why this is considered important for the workplace
Provide a self-evaluation of your capabilities for the component that you have identified. Your self-evaluation could use any of the following:
validated self-assessment tools
critical incident analysis
other reflection models and tools
Provide an outline of strategies that you could use to develop your emotional intelligence for the component that you have identified. You should ensure that this is supported by evidence, practical and relevant to your circumstances and professional aspirations.
You must ensure that you incorporate relevant theories, models, behaviours and strategies in your discussion

Assessment criteria

The Assessment Criteria are shown the end of this document. Your tutor will discuss how your work will be assessed/marked and will explain how the assessment criteria apply to this piece of work. These criteria have been designed for your level of study.

These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission, check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

Reference no: EM133805052

Questions Cloud

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