Reflecting on your internship

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132608728


Reflecting on your internship and how it related to your executive masters program.

How did this internship help prepare you for future endeavors, both academically and in the workplace? What was the best and worst parts of your overall experience? What surprised you about this internship? What, if any, were any dissapointments?

Reference no: EM132608728

Questions Cloud

Discuss appropriate structures of the datasets : The Final Paper for this course will enable you to identify 2 data sets and discuss appropriate structures of the datasets. Describe the dataset fields
Record the depreciation expense using straight-line method : Record the depreciation expense for 2021 using the straight-line method assuming the company chooses to prorate depreciation
Prepare a partial balance sheet for solid company : Prepare a partial balance sheet for Solid Company at December 31, 2021 highlighting the shareholders' equity section. Assume the company reported net income
Find how would assess the performance of the portfolio : Find How would assess the performance of the portfolio pertaining to the investor and in which portfolio would you advise the investor to invest and why?
Reflecting on your internship : What was the best and worst parts of your overall experience? What surprised you about this internship? What, if any, were any dissapointments?
Provide a critical analysis and review of one current issue : Critical synthesis of the literature, with conclusions drawn. Please refer to the QManual, in this Moodle section for guidance on how to construct a report.
Calculate Terry net pay : He pays $25.50 in union dues per pay period. Calculate Terry's net pay; He lives in Alberta and is a claim code 3 for both Federal and Alberta
What is the annual dividend on the preferred shares : Preferred shares issued at $100, and 50,000 common shares issued at $1, at December 31, 2021. What is the annual dividend on the preferred shares?
Which situation indicating that control over good or service : Which situation indicating that control over goods or services transfers over a period of time? Customer purchases a mattress and picks it up immediately.


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  Distinguish between caching and buffering

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