Reflecting on the various components of character education

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131000983

Develop a personal statement and action plan for the conclusions you have come to as a result of reading the course text (Seider, 2012). There are two parts to this assignment.

Part 1: Professional Philosophy of Character Education

Reflecting on the various components of character education, identify the area of emphasis you personally believe is most important to you as an educator (whatever your role may be). Write a 2-page reflective paper that articulates your stance toward character in your professional life. Use appropriate citations to your course readings and concepts.

Part 2: Action Plan

Based on the idea(s) you identified in part 1 of this assignment, identify two steps you plan to take as a result of this philosophy. You can choose to focus on your role in the classroom, other educational settings or relationships, or your roles as a leader in other work organizations or a family context. Write a 2-page description of your intended actions and the outcomes you hope will result from these actions.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Reference no: EM131000983

Questions Cloud

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Reflecting on the various components of character education : Develop a personal statement and action plan for the conclusions you have come to as a result of reading the course text (Seider, 2012). There are two parts to this assignment.
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