Reflecting on the conduct of conduct creation process

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Reference no: EM133636523 , Length: word count:1500 + 5 min video

Data Security and Ethics

Assessment - ChatGPT Code of Conduct

Your Task
Write a 1,500-word report and record a video reflecting on the report creation process (involving an initial ChatGPT-generated draft, then editing it to a final version) and lessons learned.

Assessment Description

You have been employed as a Data Ethics Officer by a financial services board (professional body). The board asked you to write a Code of Conduct, about using AI technologies in the banking industry, which should be kept up to date and reflect technological evolution.

Because of the AI technology's breakneck pace, the professional body wants to ensure a code of conduct review happens more regularly and has authorised you to experiment with AI-powered chatbots to create a faster update process.

You are to write a general Code of Conduct focused on the use of one AI technology in the banking industry. The Code of Conduct should be used as a framework, for banks, with guidelines related to your technology and its applications.

Assessment Instructions
You will be asked to produce a report and video for this assessment.

You are to start by conducting your own research (Introduction and Considerations sections, see structure below) on AI applications in the banking industry.
You will select ONE AI application in the banking industry to focus on which is likely to achieve better outcomes for their stakeholders (employees, managers and shareholders,).
You will then create a code of conduct draft for that one application generated by ChatGPT. Then, you will edit it to make it applicable to your chosen technology, compliant with current regulations and meaningful to the financial services board request. Your individual research will inform this.
Your Code of Conduct will be presented in a report (a suggested structure is below). Add at least five original Harvard references and use citations to them in your report.

You will record a 5-minute video reflecting on the Conduct of Conduct creation process (starting with an initial ChatGPT generated draft, then editing it to a final version) and lessons learned.

PART A: Report
See the suggested structure below:

Report Section Content

  • Write a brief introduction discussing the use of AI technologies in the banking industry.
  • Identify and evaluate different applications and benefits of using your ONE chosen AI technology in this industry. Elaborate on how this AI technology can help banks achieve better outcomes for their stakeholders.
  • Briefly introduce any privacy, cybersecurity, and data ethics concerns.

Considerations on regulatory compliance, client protection, and risks

  • Briefly assess cybersecurity, privacy, and ethical risks associated with your chosen new technology.
  • Include your findings on regulatory compliance issues and client protection requirements.

Code of Conduct

  • Use your own queries in ChatGPT to generate a Code of Conduct for your chosen technology.
  • How to write the perfect ChatGPT prompt and become a Prompt writer
  • Include the draft ChatGPT version together with your QUERIES.
  • Edit the Code of Conduct based on your knowledge and include (final version)
  • Include a disclaimer stating that this code of conduct was produced by you and generative AI (ChatGPT).

References and structure

  • Include a minimum of five original references.
  • Use the Harvard referencing style with in-text citations to your references.
  • Use appropriate headings and paragraphs.
  • Acknowledge sections written by AI technology based on below referencing policy on our Library homepage (scroll to the bottom for AI).

PART B: Reflective Video

You will record a 5-minute video reflecting on the Conduct of Conduct creation process (starting with an initial ChatGPT generated draft, then editing it to a final version) and lessons learned. See the suggested structure below:

Video Section Content

  • Describe how independently doing the introduction and considerations part of your Report informed the questions you asked ChatGPT. Provide at least one specific example.
  • Assess the validity, correctness and usefulness of the first draft of the Code of Conduct produced by ChatGPT. Provide at least two specific examples to justify your assessment.
  • Reflect on how much you needed to edit the draft Code of Conduct created by ChatGPT and how much of the editing was done using refined queries, and how much was done by your own writing/inputs. Use examples in your reflection (you can share your screen through Kaltura).

Presentation delivery

  • Apply engaging communication tools like:
  • Sharing your screen to support your reflection with examples
  • Volume, intonation, emotion, humour, and tone.
  • Speed and eye contact.
  • Relevance and audience participation.
  • Presentation flow.


Reference no: EM133636523

Questions Cloud

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Create a code of conduct draft for that one application : Create a code of conduct draft for that one application generated by ChatGPT. Then, you will edit it to make it applicable to your chosen technology
Reflecting on the conduct of conduct creation process : Record a 5-minute video reflecting on the Conduct of Conduct creation process (starting with an initial ChatGPT generated draft, then editing
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Write a general code of conduct focused on the use : Write a general Code of Conduct focused on the use of one AI technology in the banking industry. The Code of Conduct should be used as a framework, for banks


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