Reflecting on nazi war crime trials

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Reference no: EM133526400


Reflecting on Nazi war crime trials, the accused claimed that they were following orders. Those accused of war crimes insisted that they were doing nothing wrong according to German law, moral norms, and superiors. They argued that according to their culture at the time they did nothing wrong. Would you agree with their defense? Should other cultures have found them guilty? Defend your answer in light of the ethical theories discussed in this course.

Reference no: EM133526400

Questions Cloud

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Reflecting on nazi war crime trials : Reflecting on Nazi war crime trials, the accused claimed that they were following orders. Should other cultures have found them guilty?
Describe the role of psychologist who works in subfield : Describe a subfield in psychology related to your major or career path. Describe the role of a psychologist who works in the subfield.
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Professionals should offer opinions on ultimate issues : In your opinion, why is there considerable debate about whether or not mental health professionals should offer opinions on ultimate issues?


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