Reference no: EM131913742
Assignment Overview - APA format guidelines
The cases in this class follow an experiential approach. This means you will reflect on your own experience in an organization and then apply the concepts from the module materials to think critically about these experiences and understand them better.
The structure of the course and the assignments follow Kolb's model of the adult learning process, which is discussed on the Module 1 Home page. [If you skipped the Module 1--Home page, you should read it now before you attempt to go any further.]
Case Assignment
Think about an experience you have had where you felt extremely motivated.
Then, in a 4 page paper, analyze this experience according to the Kolb format below. Each subtitle represents a different section of the paper.
Need 4 pages and 3 references.
My motivation is helping a friend get through with depression.
You can use the subtitles as headings.
Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.
Concrete Experience: Begin with a specific situation/event. Describe the experience where you felt extremely motivated. Be objective and focus on just the facts: who, what, where, when, and how - similar to how a newspaper article is written -- as if you were composing a newspaper article.
Reflective Observation: Reflect upon that experience from the multiple perspectives of other people involved or affected in the experience.
Step back from the situation, look at the experience from your own viewpoint, and the viewpoints of all other parties involved or affected. You want to look at the circumstances surrounding the experience from every relevant perspective. Why was the experience motivating to you?
What did others do that increased your motivation? Was the situation (or would the situation) also be motivating to others? (Note: Your discussion of theories and models from your module materials belongs in the following section.)
Abstract Conceptualization: Use critical thinking skills in order to understand and interpret the experience at a deeper, more generalizable level. Interpret and understand the events you have described by drawing on the concepts, theories, and models in the background material from this module.
What behavior patterns can you identify in yourself and others that are similar to the ones described in the material on motivation, values, and/or goals?
How do these concepts and principles explain why you were motivated? What general principles of motivation can you derive from this analysis?
Be sure to cite all references to concepts, ideas, and quotes you use that come from any outside source. Be sure to apply at least three concepts, theories, and/or models and cite all references to concepts, ideas, and/or quotes that you use from any outside source.
[This Abstract Conceptualization section is the "heart" of your paper. Using critical thinking skills, provide a clear, specific discussion on the logic, theories, and models and how they apply to your experience.]
Active Experimentation: Identify ways to respond to the next occurrence of a similar experience. How are you going to put what you have learned to use? How will you use this knowledge to motivate yourself and others? What actions will you take to create a work environment that is motivating?
Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learnings you are taking from it.
Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside Internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the Background page.