Reflect the role of the organization in the global business

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131713789

Go to either the IMF or World Bank website and look at what they are doing. You will select one initiative from ONE of the two organizations as the subject of your two-page written paper this week.

At the World Bank site: World Bank, click on the "Projects and Operations" tab from the Home Page. You may then select a project based on Sector, Theme or Country.

At the IMF site: IMF, go to the Home Page and then select "Our Work" which will give you access to information about initiatives being undertaken by the IMF.

Select ONE project or initiative of interest from either the IMF or World Bank.

Your written assignment should include the following information:

A brief overview of the project or initiative. This should be an overview of the type of project, the partners involved in the project and the goals/outcomes of the project.

How does this project/initiative reflect the role of the organization in the global business environment?

What is the long term benefit of the project/initiative to the global business environment?

Be certain to include a source for all of the sources that you used to prepare your assignment.

Reference no: EM131713789

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