Reference no: EM133045784
Question: Internal emotional turmoil and fear of rejection are some of the first challenges a person faces when they uncover an unethical practice in the workplace. Most workers have a strong desire to not ''rock the boat''. People enjoy being accepted and valued by co-workers. Most need their jobs and jeopardizing them is both financially and emotionally risky. Voicing concern or challenging the status quo is hard, but in many cases it is truly what needs to be done. This video is helpful in learning to overcome our discomfort with voicing disagreement.
Watch the TedTalks Video Dare to Disagree answer the following questions. You can reply in writing or post a video.
1) Reflect on your personal temperament. Is it hard for you to voice disagreement in the workplace? What types of situations have lead you to voice disagreement in the past?
2) What workplace rules should you follow so that when you voice disagreement you are respectful and professional?
3) Have you ever worked with someone who was the constant voice of disagreement? These co-workers seem to challenge every process and decision made. They seem to have no sense of loyalty to the business or their co-workers. This can hurt moral and create friction. How can we voice disagreement and still be loyal to our employer and co-workers? Is loyalty an outdated ideal in the workplace?
4) Margaret Heffernan has a quote in this video that I love. She says " So what does that kind of constructive conflict require? Well, first of all, it requires that we find people who are very different from ourselves. That means we have to resist the neurobiological drive, which means that we really prefer people mostly like ourselves, and it means we have to seek out people with different backgrounds, different disciplines, different ways of thinking and different experience, and find ways to engage with them. That requires a lot of patience and a lot of energy." Her comment speaks to the need for workplace diversity as well as the problem of ''group think". Group think is the tendency of people in an organization to quickly agreeing to a process or decision due to their similar background/experiences, their desire conform the the group, and a desire to avoid personal responsibility for making a decision. Have you heard of the term ''group think'' before? What are some of the main downsides to group think? If you can not think of any, look on-line or on YouTube for more information and share what you learn.
Attachment:- Internal emotional turmoil.rar