Reflect on your experience writing the practice essay

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Reference no: EM131329224

Prepare: As you prepare to write your first discussion for this week:

Review Chapter 1 of Essentials of College Writing.

Identify two writing tasks listed in Chapter 1 as your strengths and two tasks as your weaknesses.

Review your Grammar Assessment.

Reflect: Reflect on your experience writing the Practice Essay.

Write: In your initial post for this discussion

Describe at least one writing task that you believe you did well on when writing the Practice Essay in Week One.

Describe one writing task that you believe you need to work on based on your experience writing the Practice Essay.

Describe three grammatical errors that you had the most difficulty with on the Grammar Assessment. To do so, go into the Gradebook and click on your quiz score. When you see a question with a red "X" next to it, this signals that it was answered incorrectly.

Share what you plan to do to further maximize your strengths and resolve your weaknesses.

Use specific examples.

Ask a question about this week's assigned reading.

Your initial post must be 200 to 300 words in length and posted by Day 3. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Respond to Peers: Respond to two classmates. In each response

Select a classmate whose writing task strengths and weaknesses are very similar to or very different from your own and offer support for ways to resolve weaknesses.

Answer your classmate's question to the best of your knowledge.

Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length and posted by Day 7. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult "About Discussions" under the Course Home menu. You are not required to support your claims with additional scholarly sources; however, should you decide to use additional sources, make sure you properly cite any references. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center's Citation and Reference Guide for guidelines on citing sources in APA style.

Reference no: EM131329224

Questions Cloud

Comment on the validity or lack thereof of the statement : The value of common stocks cannot be tied to the present value of future dividends because most firms don't pay dividends. Comment on the validity, or lack thereof, of this statement.
What made these leaders of industry successful : Create an essay . You need to describe the development of industry, business, and labor after the American Civil War. The essay needs to include the following: Discuss several of the industries of America's Industrial Revolution in the post-Civil W..
How many of the key bits are truly random in this case : How many of the key bits are truly random in this case? (Hint: You do not need to describe the mathematical details. Provide a list of the necessary steps. Assume you have a function that computes square roots modulo p.)
Liquidation value of firms equity could exceed market value : The book value of a firm's common equity is usually lower than the market value of the common stock. Why? Can you describe a situation in which the liquidation value of a firm's equity could exceed its market value?
Reflect on your experience writing the practice essay : Describe three grammatical errors that you had the most difficulty with on the Grammar Assessment. To do so, go into the Gradebook and click on your quiz score. When you see a question with a red "X" next to it, this signals that it was answered i..
Write an essay on the transformation of american society : Write an essay on the transformation of American society after WWII. Discuss important topics like suburbanization, the GI Bill, the automobile, and the effects of consumerism on society and gender spheres, racial experiences, and youth culture. C..
What is the maximum value that the private keys should have : How long does the computation of the session key take on average if one modular multiplication takes 700 μs, and one modular squaring 400 μs? Assume that the public keys have already been computed.
How many shares has the company issued : How many shares has the company issued?-  What is the book value per share?- At what price did it sell shares to the market?
Review of the article : A summary of the article that you have chosen- A brief explanation as to how this article relates to the reading from the week. A "review" of the article. Could this article be useful in a research paper? Was it easy to understand


Write a Review

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