Reference no: EM131899925
Assignment : Database Search Log and Library Catalog Search Log
This search log is designed to help you keep track of your searches and your results.
Part 1. Let's start with a general purpose periodical database: Academic Search Complete.
Go to "Top 10 Databases" click on Academic Search Complete.
In the chart below, fill out the columns. Try using different combinations of Boolean search operators, as indicated in the left column.
Part 2. Subject Guides
2a. Looking at the subjects on the page, which guides will be most helpful to you? Write down 2 guides that you think are related to your research topic:
2b. Why did you choose those two guides? Why do they look helpful to you?
2c. Open both Research Guides that you selected. Look at the databases recommended under "Articles in Databases" and write down the names of the top two databases recommended on each guide (four databases total):
2d. Choose one database from one of the Research Guides, then fill in the chart below. You're welcome to use the same searches you used above, or you can try new searches.
2e. What do you notice about the difference between your two searches in Part 1 and Part 2? How were the databases similar or different? How were your results similar or different?
2f. Did you find more results in Part 1 or Part 2? Why do you think that is?
Part 3. Choosing Articles
For this assignment, you need to copyPermalinks to three full-text articles available in our databases.
Your articles must come from different types of periodicals, including a scholarly journal, a trade journal, and a newspaper or magazine.
To get the Permalink, use the toolbar on the right-hand side of the page. Copy and paste the Permalink into this assignment. (Do not use the URL at the top of your web browser--this may be incorrect.)
1. Scholarly article Permalink:
2. Trade journal Permalink:
3. Magazine/news article Permalink:
I should be able to open each of these links & find the appropriate full-text articles. If your links don't work, or your articles are not correctly identified, or they're not in full-text, I will ask you to re-submit the assignment.
Part 4. Library Catalog Searching
This part is intended to give you more practice searching Steely Library's online library catalog. Like with the database search log, you will be utilizing limiters and refining your search results to search for items related to your topic for this course.
Start with Steely Library's website.
Attempt some searches (I recommend using broad, basic search words) and record your results. Look at the left-side under Show only and Refine My Results for details.
Find an audio visual/video recording related to your topic. Look for results with the "Video Recording" symbol. An easy way to find them is to also use the Source Type limiters by choosing "Video."
Part 5. Reflection
Reflect on your database and catalog searches. How did they differ from how you have searched before? Did you find any sources that might be useful for your Annotated Bibliography? What did you learn?
What would you still like to know about database/library catalog searching? As a result of this assignment and class discussions, do you think you will alter how you search library sources in the future?
Attachment:- Assignment database.rar