Reflect on what corporate social responsibility means

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133042531

Question A. Reflect on what corporate social responsibility (CSR) means to you and think of ways organizations might practice CSR. What is the purpose of CSR?
a. Briefly define and explain the terms "primary stakeholder" and "secondary stakeholder." Think about the various stakeholders that influence Paradigm Toys. Identify the two primary and two secondary stakeholders you want to discuss in Section A.
b. Reflect on the kinds of CSR-related needs those stakeholders might have and how Paradigm's board of directors might meet those needs. Choose two to discuss.

Question B. Reflect on the importance of ethical organizational culture.
a. What are some ways Paradigm's top management might help to foster an ethical culture within the company?
b. Briefly define and explain the term "ethics audit."
c. Reflect on the value an ethics audit might bring to an organization like Paradigm.

Question C. What are some ethical dilemmas you have witnessed or heard of in a business setting or your place of employment? Choose one ethical dilemma to evaluate for Section C.
a. What are two possible solutions to this dilemma? Reflect on the positives and negatives of each of these potential solutions.
b. Choose the solution you would like to recommend and reflect on why it is the more ethical of the two choices.
D. What elements make up a successful and effective ethics training program? What topics do you think Paradigm employees should learn about in ethics training? Choose the three topics you would most likely include in ethics training for Paradigm employees.

Question E. What elements make up a successful and effective ethics training program? What topics do you think Paradigm employees should learn about in ethics training? Choose the three topics you would most likely include in ethics training for Paradigm employees.
a. Explain why you would choose those three topics to cover in your ethics training.
b. What are some delivery methods you think might be effective for an ethics training program at Paradigm Toys? Choose at least one that you would use for your ethics training at Paradigm.
c. Reflect on why you think your chosen delivery method(s) would be the most effective for your training program.

Reference no: EM133042531

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