Reflect on the use of technology in public health advocacy

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Reference no: EM131864775

Discussion 1

Selecting the Right Technology for the Advocacy Job Ahead

Consider the ever-evolving use of technology in society today. Technology has quickly become an integral part of the daily life of the majority of the population. Imagine its potential use in advocacy for public health policy change. For instance,

Galer-Unti (2010) has suggested how a specific social media tool could be used to heighten awareness about drunk driving. While advocacy workers have a variety of technological tools available to them, they must be careful to select a tool that is appropriate for the audience they are trying to reach. Technology is only helpful if the audience has the appropriate knowledge and access.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the Galer-Unti and Rock et al. articles. Reflect on the use of technology in public health advocacy.

• Select a technology that you would use to advocate a public health policy.

• Consider how you would use your selected technology in a community advocacy plan.


Galer-Unti, R. (2010). Advocacy 2.0: Advocating in the digital age. Health Promotion Practice, 11(6), 784-787.

Tremendous advancements in technology have changed advocacy work and allowed more involvement in social change. With increasing frequency, public health policy from all levels of government and in other organizations is touching the lives of many people all over the world.

Thus, health policy has become a significant area in the field of public health and will continue growing. With this growth comes the need for further development and training in the public health workforce. What does this mean in terms of public health careers and job availability?

In this final week, you explore how new technologies are allowing more involvement in advocacy for health policy and social change. In addition, you examine various job opportunities that exist in public health policy and how employment settings might affect advocacy.

Finally, you consider how policy advocacy and public health policy careers are used for social change.

• Analyze the use of technology as a public health advocacy tool

• Analyze jobs in public health policy

• Apply health advocacy skills to public health jobs

• Differentiate key terms, concepts, and principles related to careers within and technology used in public health policy

Discussion 2

According to the report, the state's higher education system experienced a 22 percent decrease in state funding between 2007 and 2012.
Last year, the Florida Legislature has cut$ 259 million from higher education out of $70 billion budget. This allowed for a 15 percent increase in tuition at universities and a 5 percent increase at state colleges...

The cost of this inevitable rise in tuition will not just be going too effected by students and their families, but by the state itself. Florida tuition has caused a shortage of college graduates.

According to projections, 59 percent of all jobs in Florida will require post-secondary education by 2018, but only 43 percent of Floridians are projected to hold a college degree by 2025, leaving the state with a significant risk. Cutting funding for higher education not only compromises future prospects for Florida's youth, but threatens the state's overall economic growth and competitiveness as well.

According to researchers, even though young Floridians are "doing their part to prepare for the 21st century economy," state lawmakers and officials "are failing to meet students halfway.". Using the national average teacher's salary of $54,800, plus 32 percent of salary for benefits, he said districts could save $5.1 billion a year by reducing their special education teaching staff to the average.

Today Governor Rick Scott top priority is vowing the Florida schools cut .But already cutting $1.3 billion from education since the first years in Office

The cuts in the capital budget have been much deeper. The capital budget revenues have dropped by more than $34 million (50%) including a reduction of over $18 million (40%) in local capital outlay millage, which historically has been the primary source to finance, maintain, and equip our schools. This decrease resulted from the Legislature's reduction of the capital cost millage from its past 2-mill level to 1.5 mills and from the decline in taxable property values.

While almost $50 million were cutting the district's total budget, the school district grew by 2,900 students and still managed to retain its status as the number one academicdistrict in the state. In addition, St. Johns County continues to be the fifth highest district in the state in dollars spent on schools and the fifth lowest in the state in dollars spent at the district office.

In Saint John County alone have cut and balanced budget $750 million. However,they had eliminated over 300 jobs Cut budgets by 25% and department budgets by 30% Froze salary schedules, cut all vendor contracts by 15%, eliminated all but state-mandated busing transportationIn addition, cut in millage to levy an additional 0.25 mills.

Reference no: EM131864775

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