Reflect on the purpose of your essay

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM131329219

Prepare: As you prepare to write your second discussion for this week, take a few moments to:

Read Chapters 5 and 6 of Essentials of College Writing.

Review the Grading Rubric for this discussion.

Review the Introduction and Outline Worksheet.

Reflect: Take time to reflect on the purpose of your essay. Think about the message you want your readers to take away from your essay.

Write: Use the handout, "Introduction and Outline Worksheet," to create the following for your personal essay:

A comprehensive outline

Statement of purpose

An introductory paragraph

Please view the video Downloading a Document for guidance on accessing the "Introduction and Outline Worksheet."

Post your outline, statement of purpose, and introductory paragraph to the discussion board. You can also upload it as a word document. Your initial post must be 200 to 300 words in length and posted by Day 3.

Respond to Peers: Respond to at least two classmates. In each response

Suggest an improvement to the organization of your classmate's outline.

State whether your classmate's purpose is clear. If it is not clear, explain what is confusing.

State whether the introductory paragraph gets your attention and whether the purpose is clearly conveyed in the introductory paragraph.

Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length and posted by Day 7. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult "About Discussions" under the Course Home menu. You are not required to support your claims with additional scholarly sources; however, should you decide to use additional sources, make sure you properly cite any references. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center's Citation and Reference Guide for guidelines on citing sources in APA style.

Please view the video Accessing Feedback in the Gradebook for guidance on how to review your instructor's feedback when the post is graded.

Reference no: EM131329219

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