Reference no: EM133650878
Critical Disability Studies (CDS) is an approach to conducting research that centers on understanding disability as social, political, cultural, and historical experiences. CDS considers disability a social construct in the sense that there is no "objective reality" that defines it and definitions change over time, across cultures, and through environments. A Critical Disability Studies approach resists normativity, questions notions of what is considered ideal and normal, and disturbs the binary of abled/disabled. In CDS, disability is understood as intersecting and interwoven with other systems of power and oppression, transnationally.
Crip Theory is an analytic - a lens through which research can be analyzed - that centers on disabled experiences, embodiments, and movements. Crip theory is critical of the ways certain identities are considered ideal, normal, and dominant ways of being in the world.
Describe: summarize the research publication (include the items identified above)
Analyze: evaluate how the approach fits the question/issue/problem (use your learning from course readings to guide you)
Critique: offer an alternative Critical Approach to addressing the research question/issue/problem the authors discuss in the paper.
Critical Perspective:
From the critical perspective you choose, consider the potential biases, blind spots, problematic assumptions, or limitations that may have influenced the research.
Reflect on the ethical considerations and the impact of the research on diverse populations.
Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for conducting a different study from a different approach. This may include asking different questions, drawing upon different literature to inform the study design, and using different methods and analyses.
You can additionally discuss aspects of the paper that already align with or exemplify ideas from your selected critical perspective.