Reflect and analyse on your thoughts and feelings

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131009331

This engagement is required for creating the proposal only. the deadline for the proposal is end of April. based on proposal assistance then we can have another engagement for the actual dissertation. please recommend any topic apart from the provided list and propose the required efforts and time


"to create an opportunity for the application of concepts and techniques acquired during the taught programme, in a management practitioner environment, in order to complete the formal learning experience, and to be of use to the sponsor."
A.D. Jankowicz, Business Research Projects, London, Thomson Learning, 2006, p3

What are the key points of this definition?

Must be of a strategic nature

Should be problem solving

Should incorporate acquired knowledge & skills from MBA programme


The ability for you to demonstrate:-

Acquisition of knowledge & learning

Application of this knowledge and learning to a business situation

How you have integrated knowledge from the units studied on your MBA programme.

Personal learning

How your research will contribute to your organisation

Sourcing ideas - brainstorming
Initial ideas

Check topics in the 7 modules studied

Establishing criteria and applying to ideas

Time Sensitivity Cost

Level of complexity Confidentiality

Ease of data access Level of interest

Focusing on the basic issue underlying the ideas

Efficiency / effectiveness / cause and effect etc

Determining the final research question

Does Hertzberg's 2 factor of theory of motivation apply to employees in the HR department of .....

"Does Hertzberg's 2 factor theory of motivation apply to flight operational staff in EK"


Take responsibility for management of your project

Produce a dissertation to meet a set of agreed requirements

Conduct an in-depth investigation relating to your research question and evaluate relevant background information for the research

Reach relevant and useful conclusions in the evaluation and implementation

Evaluate / reflect on the process

Report and communicate findings effectively


Purpose of your research
Research approach taken (data collection)
Application of reasoning & critical thinking
Conclusions & recommendations
Evaluation and reflection


Empirical Investigation

Based on a management practice

Relying on primary and secondary data

Related to management theory

Empirical testing

Of an existing management theory / model

Relying on primary and secondary data

Related to management theory

Problem Solving

Based on a specific issue

Relying on primary and secondary data

Related to management theory

Focus on solutions to the identified problem

Turning research ideas into dissertations

Research question needs to be:-

Complex enough for the requirements of the unit

Easy enough to get access to data

"What" questions often easier than "why"

Clough and Nutbrown (2002) use the "Goldilocks test" - should be neither too big and too hot nor too small or too cold.

"Russian Doll principle"

PURPOSE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS (According to Saunders et al(2003)

To provide findings that advance knowledge & understanding

To address business issues

To devise a process for solving management problems

Attachment:- Dissertation forms.rar

Reference no: EM131009331

Questions Cloud

To what extent are these stories a form of social critique : Drawing upon evidence from the texts, compare and contrast the ways in which social class is depicted in these two works. To what extent are these stories a form of social critique
Problem regarding the gross profit : The gross profit of a business is the difference between what a retailer charges for what it sells (net sales) and the cost of the items sold. For ex- ample, in the first quarter of 2010
Draw a approximately random sample from people in small city : Give an example of a study in which we don't care about the actual numerical value of a population average, but in which we would want to know whether the average of one population is greater than the average of a different population.
Essay - the death of evan ilyich : Write a 900 word essay, drawing upon at least three texts from the list of "The Death of Evan Ilyich" ,"The Home and the World", "A Simple Heart (Soul)", "The Interesting Narrative and the Life of Olaudah Equiano", "Narrative of the Life of Freder..
Reflect and analyse on your thoughts and feelings : Devise a process for solving management problems - Conduct an in-depth investigation relating to your research question and evaluate relevant background information for the research
The strategy for controlling the rotor speed of a variable : The strategy for controlling the rotor speed of a variable speed wind turbine is to aim at the relation shown in the figure below between the rotational speed of the generator and the generator power.
How long can doc brown store the plutonium : The flux capacitor (the equipment necessary for time travel) needs 85 grams of Plutonium to have enough power to travel through time. How long can Doc Brown store his Plutonium for to have enough to time travel.
Explain its origins and pay particular attention : Mardi Gras is a community carnival with religious roots. Research and Explain its origins and pay particular attention to why its date moves each year
Problem regarding the advertising : A local financial advisor places advertise- ments in the local newspaper as well as on local cable television programs. Her success depends on how many callbacks these ads generate. She wants to know if the advertising is cost effective and has da..


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