Reducing risky behaviour and harm

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133406851


1. Setting goals for the client is particularly useful in substance use with the outcome of reducing risky behaviour and harm. Drake has come to you with the mindset that he cannot change his behaviour and move away from alcohol. Explain the importance of exploring choices and setting goals with your client Drake

2. Why are brief interventions often used as a public health strategy?

Reference no: EM133406851

Questions Cloud

What was contributed by second woman to the offspring : It is now possible for a person to have 3 genetic parents. What was contributed by the second woman to the offspring?
What you now know about prejudice : Given what you now know about prejudice, discuss ways that society could attempt to handle a particular prejudice
Brief intervention counsellor working for organisation : Imagine that you are a brief intervention counsellor working for an organisation that uses the ASSESS, ASK, and ASSIST framework.
Analysis of positive effects school counselors : Provide a brief analysis of the positive effects school counselors have on students related to trauma, violence, abuse, neglect, bullying, racism, diagnosed
Reducing risky behaviour and harm : Setting goals for the client is particularly useful in substance use with the outcome of reducing risky behaviour and harm.
Political-economic forces that shape sporting experiences : Identify the Political and Economic Forces that Shape Sporting Experiences. Argue the Cultural, Political and Artistic Value of Hip Hop Culture.
Political attitudes are very resistant to change : Political attitudes are very resistant to change. Two modern venue that people "discuss" politics are Facebook and twitter.
Discuss how morality interact with modern race relations : Morality is an issue that society has grappled with since its inception. Discuss how morality interact with modern race relations.
Diagnosis of people with psychiatric disabilities : what could be done to mitigate risks/ sources of adversity in the assessment and diagnosis of people with psychiatric disabilities?


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