Reduce the volatility of the economic and financial systems

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM13740534

Question 1.

Central bankers work to reduce the volatility of the economic and financial systems by pursuing which (one) of the following specific objectives:
Low and stable inflation.
High and stable real growth, together with high employment.
Stable financial markets and institutions.
Stable interest and exchange rates.
All of the above

Question 2.
The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933:
Required commercial banks to sell off their investment banking operations
Eliminated the FDIC
Required federally chartered banks to meet the branching restrictions of the states
Required all state banks to get federal charters

Question 3.
The federal funds rate is the interest rate:
The Fed charges banks who borrow from it
Banks charge each other for overnight loans on their excess deposits at the Fed
The U.S. Treasury charges banks that need emergency funds
The FDIC charges banks that need to borrow from it to meet depositor demands

Question 4.
______________are widely used by the banks to meet customers' need for large-scale and/or high-risk loans and they enable risk sharing among group of banks and enable large and mid-sized regional banks to participate in international lending activities.
Note Issuance Facilities (NIF)
Revolving Credits
Syndicated Loans
Credit Default Swaps

Question 5.
One thing that is common for all bank loans is that they are:
Part of the banks' assets

Question 6.
As of 2014, ______________has the largest banking assets in the world.
JP Morgan Chase
Wells Fargo
Bank of America

Question 7.
When corporate issuers sell an entire issue to one or more institutional buyers, such as insurance companies without registering the issue for public sale, this is entitled as _________.
Public Tender
Private Placement

Question 8.
One of the primary goals of the ECB is to make sure that Euro is a highly valuable currency. ECB openly intervenes in markets to manage the value of Euro as we have recently seen in global FX markets.

Question 9.
Considering the balance sheet for all commercial banks in the U.S., the largest category of liabilities is:
Borrowing from other banks in the U.S.
Savings deposits and time deposits
Federal fund purchase repurchase agreements
Borrowings from non-banks in the U.S.

Question 10.
__________________ are bank loans that are issued beyond the control of the local regulators.
Term Loans
Revolving Credits
Syndicated Loans
Credit Default Swaps

Question 11.
In a committed facility, lender guarantees the funds intended to be raised by the borrower whereas in an uncommitted facility, lender does its best to raise the intended amount.

Question 12.
FOMC increases the money supply in the economy by
Buying US dollars
Selling US Treasuries to the banking system
Buying US Treasuries from the banking system

Question 13.
The letter of credit is designed to
allow the buyer to obtain title to the goods before they are received.
free the seller from concerns over the payment abilities of the buyer.
free the seller from any merchandise guarantees.
is issued by the bank at the request of an exporter.

Question 14.
The difference between traditional corporate finance (CF) and Project Finance (PF) is in the source of payment. In Corporate Finance, the primary source of repayment for investors and creditors is the sponsoring (borrowing) company, backed by its entire balance sheet, whereas in the PF the project alone is the primary source of payment.

Question 15.
Which one of the following is NOT CORRECT about European Central Bank?
The ECB is composed of 19 Eurozone National Central Banks that participate in the monetary union
ECB structure mirrors the structure of the Federal Reserve System in several ways. For instance there is a six-member Executive Board of the ECB, similar to the Board of Governors and The National Central Banks play many of the same roles as the Federal Reserve Banks; and The Governing Council formulates monetary policy as the FOMC does.
ECB is located in Frankfurt, Germany.
The ECB Chairman is always a German as Europeans trust the tradition of German Central Banking.

Question 16.
A repurchase agreement is:
An asset that represents the value of all collateral repossessed by the bank and held for sale
A long-term collateralized loan
An agreement where the parties agree to reverse the transaction on a specific day
Only made between two or more banks

Question 17.
_______________is similar to commercial paper issued in domestic markets with maturities of 1,3, and 6 months. They are like their CPs allow firms to raise short term funding to finance their working capital needs, but they are issued in unregulated markets.
Note Issuance Facility
Bankers' Acceptance
Letters of Credit
Euro Commercial Paper

Question 18.
The specific goals of central banks include each of the following, except:
High and stable real growth
Low and stable inflation
High levels of exports
Low and stable unemployment

Question 19.
An external control enforced by bank supervisors on credit creation by banks is called required _______.
Asset Ratio
Capital Ratio
Quick Ratio
Current Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio

Question 20.
The interest rate at which banks lend each other in London is known as:
The international federal funds rate
The London Interbank Offered Rate
The discount rate
The International Prime Rate

Question 21.
Which one of the following is NOT among the key retail banking issues?
Capital strength
Risk management
Executive pay
Corruption and government interference in their business

Question 22.
From a banking regulator's perspective the best capital is _____________.
Basel III Capital
Tier 1 Capital
Tier 2 Capital
Dodd Frank Capital
Your mother's capital

Question 23.
Which one of the following is not part of Bank Assets
Balances at the central bank
Money at call and short notice
Bank and trade bills of exchange
Shareholder's Funds

Question 24.
Which of the following correctly portrays a bank's balance sheet?
Total Bank Liabilities = Total Bank Capital + Total Bank Assets
Total Bank Assets = Total Bank Capital - Total Bank Liabilities
Total Bank Assets = Total Bank Liabilities - Total Bank Capital
Total Bank Assets = Total Bank Liabilities + Total Bank Capital

Question 25.
Brokerage, Insurance, Security Custody and Foreign Exchange Trading are not typical Retail Bank services, but as banks started to offer a wide range of services under one roof, these services are also offered by large retail commercial banks.

Question 26.
Commercial banking is a highly competitive industry. A large number of banks account for a tiny fraction of the industry assets. US is an exception in the global banking as US is the only country where top 10 banks in the US account for more than half of the bank assets.

Question 27.
Suppose that a bank initially has a leverage ratio of 8 to 1. If this bank increases its capital by $1million and its assets by $10 million, then the bank's:
Risk increases and its leverage decreases
Liabilities decrease and its leverage increases
Leverage decreases and its liabilities increase
Leverage and risk increases

Question 28.
The realization that independent central banks delivered lower inflation and more stable economies forced politicians to let control of central banks and supported the trend towards independent central banking.

Question 29.
Basel II requires banks to calculate capital ratios based on the riskiness of their assets. Banks are required to calculate their risk adjusted assets and commit at least 4% of risk adjusted assets as their Tier-1 capital which is composed of shareholder's equity, retained earnings and non-cumulative preferred shares.

Question 30.
FedWire, CHIPS, SIT, CHAPS, TIPANET are _______________ .
Securities Exchanges
State Owned Banks
Credit Unions
Derivatives Exchanges
Clearing Systems

Question 31.
A typical investment bank has _______________reverse repo and trading in its asset side of the balance sheet than a typical commercial bank.
A much Larger
A much Smaller
About the same
Reverse repo and trading has nothing to do with the type of banking

Question 32.
___________ is defined as the providing of long-term equity and debt finance for corporations and governments, largely through the issuance of new securities.
M&A Advisory
Corporate Banking

Question 33.
There are 12 district reserve banks in the US. One of them, NY Fed has some specific responsibilities that other district banks do not. Which one of the following is not an exclusive task handled by New York Fed?
Treasury Securities Auctions
Operating FedWire
Execution of Monetary Policy Operations
Foreign Currency Interventions
Regional Economic Analysis and Assessment

Question 34.
Which of the following is a bank liability?
Mortgage loans
Demand deposits
U.S. Treasury securities

Question 35.
Total Equity Capital of the US Banking system is closest to _______.
$1.5 tr
$5.5 tr
$10.5 tr
$15.5 tr
$40.5 tr

Question 36
In ________________ bank itself acts a principal and bets on market developments.
Pure Arbitrage
Program Trading
Wealth Management
Proprietary Trading

Question 37
Which one of the following is not among the Central Bank Functions?
Supervision of the banking system
Issuing banknotes
Acting as banker to the other banks
Acting as banker to the government
Raising money for the municipalities

Question 38
Which one of the following is not true about Project Finance?
Project finance is a funding mechanism tailored to meet the needs of a specific project. Repayment of the financing relies on the cash flow and the assets of the project itself.
The risks (and returns) are borne not by the sponsor alone, but by different classes of investors (equity holders, debt providers, quasi-equity investors).
Project Finance offers a means for investors, creditors, and other unrelated parties to come together to share the costs, risks, and benefits of new investment in an economically efficient and fair manner.
Despite the fact that the financing is structured around the project's own operating cash flow and assets, often additional sponsor guarantees are required
None of the above

Question 39.
___________ services focus on hedge funds, lending them funds to trade and relieving them of administrative and back-office functions, enabling them to focus on making money.
Wealth Management Services
Proprietary Trading
Primer Brokerage

Question 40
Controlling the nation's currency reserves, preserving the value of the currency and acting as "lender of last resort" are not among the 21st century central bank functions.

Question 41
Commercial banks differ from credit unions in the following way:
Credit unions focus on consumer loans while commercial banks primarily make loans to businesses
Credit unions make loans and accept deposits while commercial banks just make loans
Commercial banks cannot make auto loans to individuals, just to businesses while credit unions can do both
Credit unions do not have to hold reserves while commercial banks do

Question 42
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act:
Repealed the Reigle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act
Repealed the Glass-Steagall Act's prohibition of mergers between commercial banks and insurance or securities firms
Repealed the McFadden Act's restriction on bank branching
Reinforced the Glass-Steagall Act's limitation on commercial banks' availability to merge with insurance or securities firms by increasing the penalties for doing so

Question 43
Eurodollars are:
The currency of the European Economic Union
Euro-denominated deposits in U.S. Banks
Dollar-denominated deposits beyond the control of US monetary authorities in unregulated markets
Dollars that are specially printed for use abroad to minimize counterfeiting

Question 44
12 member Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) sets the interest rates to control the availability of money and credit to the economy.

Question 45
As expected, Europe and Central Asia has much more mobile banking accounts per 100,000 adults than Sub-Saharan Africa.

Question 46
Firms planning a takeover turn to investment banks for help and advice regarding price, timing, tactics and so on. Equally, the object of the takeover or target firm turns to these bankers for help in fending off the predator. The service provided by the investment banks in this context is referred to as __________________.
Book Building
M&A Advisory
Proprietary Trading

Question 47
Which one of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
Commercial banks are in the classic business of taking deposits and lending money, it includes retail banking and wholesale banking.
In many European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands and Spain), there are banks that do not have outside shareholders but are ‘mutually' owned in some way. These are the savings banks and cooperative banks.
The term clearing bank is applied to the banks most involved in the system for clearing cheques. They will be the large domestic banks who are heavily into retail banking
Merchant bank refers to the banks owned by the state that are not central banks but carry out some public sector activity.

Question 48
__________________ facilitate long term equity and debt financing for companies and governments. They provide a range of services from origination, underwriting, placement, and market making to advisory services. The largest companies in the industry perform multiple services advice corporations on mergers and acquisitions as well as advising on the restructuring of existing corporations.
Commercial Banks
Giro Banks
Postal Banks
Investment Banks
Retail Banks

Question 49
Total Assets of the US Banking system is closest to
$1 tr
$5 tr
$10 tr
$15 tr
$40 tr

Question 50
Which one of the following is not essential for Central Bank success?
Independence (isolation from political pressure)
A strong personality in chairman's role (eg. Alan Greenspan or former ECB chairman Jean Claude Trichet)
Accountability to the public and transparency in communicating its policy actions
Operating within an explicit framework that clearly states its goals and makes clear the trade-offs among them.

Reference no: EM13740534

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