Reference no: EM133220366
Your medium-sized organization is expanding both nationally and internationally and you have been tasked to implement a Wide Area Network (WAN) topology. The organization has expanded to 5 different geographical locations and has directed you to design the WAN. In essence, you need to submit a plan to your Executive board and get approval to install the WAN
Background Information:
Your Executive Board consists of the CEO, CFO, CIO.
Your IT/Security Team consists of CISO, Security Manager, Data Center manager, IT Manager.
Employees of the organization will expand from 20 to 60 (globally).
Currently, there are 20 employees at Location A. There will be another location of 30 employees at Location B and 10 new employees in France. Some new employees at Location B will be remote users.
Your new network must be scalable for future growth
Provide a proposal to the Executive Board including:
1. Who would you give advice to regarding the design of the building and network cable planning that would help reduce network errors? Give details of the advice you would give. a. Your organization will need you to provide IP details for both LAN and WAN topologies for static and DCHP.
2. Include a plan for remote access and VPN usage.
3. Provide an ER diagram of the network based on your above recommendations for the company.
4. Provide a cost-benefit analysis of costs that may generate from the project. There is a sample cost-benefit analysis template in Unit 5.