Reduce Gina anxiety

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Reference no: EM133323106

Gina is having trouble choosing her grade 12 courses. She tells the school career counselor that she always scored low on IQ tests and does not feel interested in future options. When the counselor begins to ask about future career goals, she states, "what does it matter, I don't have a good academic record anyways?

Strategy :

The career counselor has made the strategy to ask Gina to respond to items related to work-related activities (in regards to questions what are her plans for the future and if any field interests her), assuring Gina that she does not need to worry about whether she has the training or a particular skill. The career counselor assured her that for the purposes of completing a career interest inventory, that doesn't matter. All Gina is asked at this moment is to point is whether any activity is of interest to her. The counselor also told Gina that there will be plenty of time later because the counselor would begin to explore options with Gina later and let her decide whether or not she wanted to become skilled in a particular area.

Note: The whole point of this strategy is to reduce Gina's anxiety about completing another assessment and give her hope.

Question :

1. Discuss the importance of this strategy in detail.

2. What positive outcomes may it bring?

Reference no: EM133323106

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