Record breaking temperature

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM13124417

Part 1: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find a record-breaking temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) for a town or city of your choice. Include the name of the town, along with the temperature, and what record was broken. Give the formula for converting degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. Using the formula, show how to convert the measurement to degrees Celsius.

Part 2: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find a real-life application of a linear function. State the application, give the equation of the linear function, and state what the x and y in the application represent. Choose at least two values of x to input into your function and find the corresponding y for each. State, in words, what each x and y means in terms of your real-life application. Please see the following example. Do not use any version of this example in your own post. You may use other variables besides x and y, such as x and W as depicted in the example. Be sure to reference your sources using APA style.

Reference no: EM13124417

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