Recommended corrective action

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Reference no: EM13172558

Read Case III located on pages 560-562 in your textbook. Once you have read all of the materials, write an incident report utilizing the Guide for Identifying Causal Factors & Corrective Actions located on pages 156-160 in the textbook.

What are your findings? What is/are your recommended corrective action(s)? Who is at fault, if anyone? Could this have been averted? How, or why? 

The project is required to be a minimum of 500-600 words (or a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 4 pages) double-spaced. You should follow APA style and referencing guidelines and choose articles from journals available on the CSU Online Library database. You may also use any website as a resource. 

This Incident Investigation will be graded based on the CSU Grading Rubric for all types of papers. To view the rubric, click here.

Reference no: EM13172558

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