Recommend effective strategy to prevent the development

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Reference no: EM133535160


1. Explain what law enforcement is or should be doing to prevent new criminal organizations from entering your community.

2. Recommend an effective strategy to prevent the development and growth of criminal organizations in your community.

3. If your community has not been exposed to criminal organizations, explain what you would do to prevent them from taking root.

4. Explain how your colleague's position has changed your perception or understanding.

Preventing the Development and Growth of Criminal Organizations

It takes a holistic approach to stop the growth and development of criminal organizations, which targets the fundamental causes of people joining these groups and the structural weaknesses in communities. Programs for early intervention are one way to stopthe creation of criminal organizations. At-risk people can be controlled from turning to criminal activity through early identification and support. Many studies of social crime prevention initiatives and community safety initiatives have concentrated on risk-based, neoliberal ideologies in criminal justice policy (Heath-Kelly & Shanaah, 2022). Therefore, early intervention programs can address underlying issues before they deteriorate, such as psychotherapy, outreach, and parental support. Finding and helping individuals with behavioral or emotional problems will prevent academic failure and criminal involvement. Offering family therapy, parenting programs, and counseling helps address domestic problems that might encourage criminal activity.

Role models and mentoring can stop the development of criminal organizations in a community. According to statistics, many children have other supporting relationships with adults than their parents (Kearney & Levine, 2020). Children's regular interactions with adults can serve as mentors and role models who help steer them away from criminal careers. Besides, role models significantly impact how individuals perceive themselves and the environment, affecting their lifetime decisions. Successful community members can influence vulnerable people to make more positive life decisions by being encouraged to participate in mentorship programs.

On the other hand, community policing can stop the growth of criminal organizations. The community and law enforcement must establish a mutually beneficial partnership. Initiatives for community policing strongly emphasize fostering connections, enhancing communication, and involving locals in detecting and resolving criminal problems. For instance, neighborhood watch initiatives have been linked to significant drops in crime rates, from 16% to 26% (Ekici et al., 2022). Furthermore, community policing encourages organizational change, more shared decision-making, public accountability, increased discretion for front-line personnel in handling calls, and flexibility in relational building.

Reference no: EM133535160

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