Recommend a change to the allocation

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM133212535

Meet the Client: Project Situation

- Your client is 57 years old. She currently has $18mm in wealth and expects to earn $200K for the next 5 years. The client expects to spend about 4% of her wealth every year until her retirement at the age of 62. At that time she would like to have $25mm in wealth, but is very averse to suffering a drawdown worse than 15% of her initial wealth (wants to be 99% sure to avoid that).

- The client is currently invested equally in five investments / asset classes (in the uploaded file), please recommend a change to the allocation, based on your analysis; make any additional suggestions, if necessary.

This is client profile and data file. Identify the 5 assets

Reference no: EM133212535

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9/8/2022 11:56:26 PM

For an assignment, we were given the client profile and data file but we are not told what each of the assets are. Could you please help me in identifying the 5 assets.

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