Reference no: EM1318427
Q1)a) Categorize according to most descriptive or definitive category of research strategies (i.e., experiments, naturalistic observations, surveys, case-control studies, cohort studies, quasi-experiments, longitudinal vs. cross-sectional studies, matched design, retrospective vs. prospective studies, time-series, single-subject studies).
b) Recognize features of study that prompted your classification.
c) Recognize the IV, DV, and other variables, if suitable.
d) Recognize and describe potential threats (up to 3) to internal validity.
e) Recognize and explain potential threats (up to 3) to external validity.
f) Recognize strategies that were utilized to control for nuisance variables and minimize threats to valid inference making.
g) What additional strategies (up to 3) you would propose that may increase validity of the findings?
Q2) Employment records were used to recognize 100 men who had worked for company in Los Angeles which manufactured chemicals utilized as fire retardants. Second group of men, n=90, was identified who worked for two other companies in Los Angeles and had no exposure to chemicals. Evidence of primary thyroid dysfunction was found in four of exposed men; none of unexposed men showed evidence of thyroid dysfunction.