Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the organization

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Reference no: EM133220786

Robert and Roy, emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P) were back on the streets after a slow afternoon of handling administrative tasks in the office. Neither paramedic had checked the divert status board before heading out, so they were unaware that numerous hospitals in the city were on Emergency Department (ED) divert.* After having worked 18 hours with only 3 hours off, they were hoping to settle into a quiet shift that would allow them an opportunity to get some rest.

Within 30 minutes of getting to their first assigned post, the radio call came through that an adult and child were injured in an automobile accident. Robert and Roy headed to the scene to find that a father and daughter had been riding a bicycle when they were struck at high speed by an automobile. The injuries were serious and both needed emergency treatment. The paramedics decided to take both patients to the nearby city hospital for treatment.

Robert rode in the back and was in charge of caring for the patients, while Roy drove. On the way to the facility the young girl quit breathing and required intubation to sustain her airway. Because of the time required to intubate and stabilize the patient, Robert never notified the receiving facility that they were coming with two critical emergent patients. In addition, Roy, as the driver, never contacted the facility and also never contacted dispatch to see if the facility was on divert.

Upon their arrival at the city hospital, Robert and Roy found out that the hospital was on ED divert as well as pediatric trauma divert. In other words, they were not accepting any patients to the ED and they were not accepting any children. Because Robert and Roy felt that they could not support the pediatric patient any longer in the back of an ambulance, they wheeled both patients into an unprepared Emergency Department. A verbal battle ensued between the emergency room physician and the paramedics, which led to a further delay in care for the injured trauma patients. Ultimately, the hospital agreed to care for the patients, but soon realized that the young girl had gone into cardiac arrest and died. She could not be resuscitated.

  • Background Statement: What is going on in this case as it relates to the identified major problem?
  • What are (only) the key points the reader needs to know in order to understand how you will "solve" the case?
  • Summarize the scenario. Briefly describe the organization, setting, situation, who is involved, who decides what, etc. Specifically identify the major problems and secondary issues.
  • What are the real issues? What are the differences? Can secondary issues become major problems?
  • Present an analysis of the causes and effects.
  • Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
    • Identify the strengths and weaknesses that exist in relation to the major problem. Thus, the identified strengths and weaknesses should include those at the managerial level of the problem.
  • Find out alternatives and recommend a solution.
    • Describe the two to three alternative solutions you came up with. What feasible strategies would you recommend? What are the pros and cons? State what should be done-why, how, and by whom. Be specific

Reference no: EM133220786

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