Reference no: EM13476710
Directions: Identify the class of every word in the following sentences. Place your labels below the words: noun (n), verb (vb), adjective (adj), adverb (adv), determiner (det), auxiliary (aux), qualifier (qual), preposition (prep), conjunction (conj), expletive (exp), particle (part), pronoun (pro). Remember: Some words can serve as members of different classes, depending on how they are used.
1. Scholarships can help a student, but they may not cover the full cost of a degree.
2. We waited until they arrived.
3. If time is of the essence, is it not rather important?
4. Smart phones have made texting a standard form of communication.
5. Do not answer the questions until I start the timer.
6. We are cold in this weather, but we will not be cold forever.
7. My parents did not arrive on the plane; they drove here from their hotel.
8. Experience shows us that we must always reflect on our teaching.
9. A number of students show up to class and expect us to provide an informative lesson.
10. Give me a dime, and I will give you ten pennies.