Reference no: EM132873313
LO1 Apply AI techniques to given practical problems
LO2. Recognise the multi-disciplinary nature of AI and its potential application areas.
LO3. Critically appraise relevant literature in order to formulate a plan for their own practical/experimental work
LO4 Synthesise a solution to a problem (planned in LO3) and evaluate the solution will:
Develop better understanding of the process of modelling for practical problems
Develop better understanding of CI techniques and an application area by developing a novel solution for your proposed application
Practice academic research, methods, evaluation and experimental design
Practice academic writing by writing your report (as individual and in group) and presenting your work, there is also an option of writing an article on your application with possibility of submission to a conference (writing an article is not part of the assessment).
Report for a Assignment on applications of CI: this assignment aims to take you through steps of modelling of an application and implementation of CI algorithms to solve it. Some students use this assignment for a proof of concept for their final MSc project but several problems and topics will also be provided for those one of you who may not have thought of a topic yet.
The project is to be carried out in a group with a maximum of 3 members. The group may share the problem domain and the literature review related to that but each member will have a distinctive solution to develop, apply and evaluate within that problem domain. The results of the different solutions may then be compared and contrasted in a group effort at critical review.
Your mini project work will cover the following activities:
o A critical review of related literature, this is to be included in your report. Part of this may be done as a group activity followed by more specific literature review in the topic of investigation or solution each individual in the group is attempting.
o Each individual will either undertake:
A practical implementation to illustrate some feature of an application area, e.g. if you are developing solutions in the areas of Robotics or Expert Systems; OR
An appropriate experimental work to support an investigation on existing data/research, e.g. if you are applying existing CI algorithms to a new application area.
Prepare a presentation