Reference no: EM13857780
Question 1: According to the authors of the journal article for Forum 3, recipients of social support are often:
A.very pleased
B.sometimes worse off
Question 2: According to the journal article for Forum 3, recipients of social support may experience:
A.lowered self-esteem
B.feelings of indebtedness
C.receiving the wrong kind of support
D.All of the above
Question 3: The authors of the journal article for Forum 3 hypothesize:
A.having insecure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from emotional support in adulthood
B.having secure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from emotional support in adulthood
C.having secure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from instrumental support in adulthood
D.having an insecure attachment history with parents causes no notable differences in response to emotional support in adulthood
Question 4: According to Bowlby, as cited in the journal article for Forum 3, the earliest working models:
A.are in response to interactions with significant caregivers
B.are formed while a fetus
C.are formed during adolescence
D.are in response to cultural prompts
Question 5: Central to the study of psychopathology is a definition of _____________________.
Question 6: When attempting a diagnosis, cultural analysis may describe a variability in the ____________________ of a mental illness.
A.disability degree
D.all of the above
Question 7: A primary message in the Surgeon General's 2001 USDHHS report was:
A.culture is variable
B.culture counts
C.culture is changing
D.culture is missing
Question 8: The ultimate goal of psychopathological research is to: the DSM-IV-TR
B.validate Western treatment protocols
C.alleviate differences
D.improve lives
Question 9: A goal of the "Healthy People 2010" U.S. health agenda is:
A.elimination of the DSM
B.elimination of culture
C.elimination of health disparities
D.elimination of biased researchers
Question 10: According to some research, drug therapy is both more likely and less likely to be provided to African Americans compared to Caucasian Americans.
A. True
B. False
Question 11: There is finally an abundance of research data considering gender, race and class in the development of psychopathology.
A. True
B. False
Question 12: The DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa include:
A.refusal to eat regular meals
B.amenorrhea for 3 consective cycles
C.loss of 85% of body weight
D.intense fear of purging
Question 13: Noted triggers for binge eating include:
B.the presence of healthy foods
D.the presence of other BEDs
Question 14: Prevalence rates of Binge Eating Disorder range from ________ to __________.
A.12.5%; 16%
C.6.2%; 14%
D.1%; 4.6%
Question 15: The following may contribute to the susceptibility to eating disorders:
A.belief systems/sociocultural factors
B.personality traits
C.weight-related problems
D.all of the above
Question 16: The treatment of choice for BN is:
A.psychoanalysis therapy
Question 17: According to a patient of Hilde Bruch, the illness of eating disorder has to do with:
A.worry about looks
B.worry about dieting you feel about yourself others feel about you
Question 18: Dysfunctional and deviant sexual behaviors are:
A.determined by secular leaders
B.determined by individual preference
C.determinedarbitarily through social norms
D.determined medically
Question 19: Contempoary views identify 2 primary categories of sexual disorder:
A.domination and sadism
B.zoophilia and premature ejaculation
C.masochism and sadism
D.sexual dysfunction and paraphilias
Question 20: DSM-IV-TR describes sexual dysfunction as:
A.desire and arousal disorders
B.orgasmic disorder
C.dyspareunia and vaginismus
D.all of the above
Question 21: A history of sexual abuse may be a contributing factor in the development of paraphilias.
A. True
B. False
Question 22: Gender refers to:
A.anatomical indicators
B.sexual preferences
C.a sense of identify
Question 23: Researchers are discovering that gender identity disorder is:
A.the same as sexual orientation
B.more heterogeneous than previously believed
C.relatively common fully understood
Question 24: Treatments for gender identity disorder most often involve:
A.changing thoughts and feelings
B.administration of drugs
C.psychoanalysis for 3 years
D.changing the person's gender.
Question 25: Internet sexual compulsivity is: issue for corporations
B.damaging to relationships
C.contributing to job loss
D.all of the above