Recent innovations in power supply to improve reliability

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Reference no: EM132301783 , Length: word count:3000


This assessment item will evaluate your achievement standard for the learning outcomes 1, 2, and 3 of this unit and demonstrating the attainment of EIT graduate attributes A1.

Learning outcome:

1. Discriminate between the elements of the supply chain and how they function in order to map and interrogate the roles of:
a. Transmission - transformers, overhead lines and cables;
b. Distribution - transformers and substations, insulation equipment;
c. Auxiliary networks - protection equipment, energy management system, supervisory control, and data acquisition systems.

2. Contextualise alternative generation such as hydro generation, wind and solar generation and other energy generation systems to known and unknown situations

3. Apply principles in the energy efficiency and renewable energy policies and strategies with initiative and judgement

Graduate Attributes:
A1. Cognitive and technical skills to investigate, analyse and organise information and ideas and to communicate those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms appropriate to the audience.

Question 1:

Prepare a thesis of 2,500-3,000 words on the "Recent innovations in power supply to improve reliability, environmental compatibility and economic viability."

The thesis report should contain case studies, references, bibliography.

Reference no: EM132301783

Questions Cloud

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Consider franchising as pathway to entrepreneurship : Two franchising experts recently debated the issue of whether new college graduates should consider franchising as a pathway to entrepreneurship.
Discuss five advantages of electronic and mobile commerce : Identify and briefly discuss five advantages of electronic and mobile commerce.
Recent innovations in power supply to improve reliability : ME501 - Power Engineering Principles for Automation - Engineering Institute of Technology - Apply principles in the energy efficiency and renewable energy
Firms face in adopting classical management strategy : What is the key challenge that firms face in adopting a classical management strategy? What solutions exist for these firms?
What you learn during internship for generalize psychologist : Complete a journal on the importance on being in general psychology in a rural area (explain that in a rural area there is more need for generalized.
Responsibilities when editing or revising work : What are 2 primary responsibilities when editing or revising the work of another writer.
Applying kotter eight steps for leading organizational : Identify a problem at work or school or in life that requires change. Applying Kotter's Eight Steps for Leading Organizational Change, draft a plan for driving



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5/8/2019 10:21:47 PM

Assessment Task Instructions: 1. To allow for unforeseen circumstances such as illness, work or family commitments, it is advisable that you aim to complete the assignment a few days before the due date. It is your responsibility to ensure that you factor in any time difference between Perth, Western Australia and your location when submitting assessments. 2. Extension requests must be formally submitted by completing an extension request form and emailing the form to your unit coordinator along with a medical certificate or other supporting documentations.

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