Recent genetics research on leadership

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Reference no: EM131320154

Recent genetics research on leadership by Dr. Richard Avey suggests about 30% of leadership is born (genetic), 30% is made in the formative years (young in life), and about 30% of leadership is "made" throughout one's life. A quote by Warren Bennis informs this discussion when he said "more leaders have been made by accident, circumstance, sheer grit, or will than have been made by all the leadership courses put together." Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and why? If you agree, how would you design a leadership course differently? (125 Words)

Reference no: EM131320154

Questions Cloud

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Recent genetics research on leadership : Recent genetics research on leadership by Dr. Richard Avey suggests about 30% of leadership is born (genetic), 30% is made in the formative years (young in life), and about 30% of leadership is "made" throughout one's life
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